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Counterweight west help please

May 24, 2009
I get to the top and kill both guards and then I am defeated. When I get back to the top all three are back. It is not like that on counterweight east. Is this a glitch? Can anyone help me finish this plaese so that I can move on to Big Ben? I am a lvl 30 Ice wizard with Life as second school. I will be back on about 7:30pm mountian time.

Mar 01, 2009
<cite>Ghostpaw wrote:</cite>I get to the top and kill both guards and then I am defeated. When I get back to the top all three are back. It is not like that on counterweight east. Is this a glitch? Can anyone help me finish this plaese so that I can move on to Big Ben? I am a lvl 30 Ice wizard with Life as second school. I will be back on about 7:30pm mountian time.[/quoii

i need help ther too i am a lvl32 fire wizard 8)

May 06, 2009
Ghostpaw wrote:
I get to the top and kill both guards and then I am defeated. When I get back to the top all three are back. It is not like that on counterweight east. Is this a glitch? Can anyone help me finish this plaese so that I can move on to Big Ben? I am a lvl 30 Ice wizard with Life as second school. I will be back on about 7:30pm mountian time.

Well to be honest considering the lag of a post being put on the board it can take a day or so for folks to even notice, and even if they do notice they would need to know what realm you are on to even attempt to try and help. Might I suggest making sure to mark your location just before you engage the finial boss that "should"(tm) do the trick so you don't have to go through the whole gambit again. Of course mark doesn't work in all instances, sigh I found a few in dragonspire today I was a sad panda. :-(

Another suggest is try hanging around the commons in marleybone and seeing if anyone will help you with it. Sometimes you can run across a nice person willing to help or even near or on that step of the quest.

Oh and I am sure you are aware of this, but shields are your friend make sure to use them often. I just hate when a mob throws a dot on me and poof goes my shields. :-(