I thought of an idea for a new spellbook page while I was playing Wizard101 today, Collections! There should be three types of collections, Cards, Enemies, and Pets
Obviously, they should show collections of the cards (spells), enemies, and pets. And I had two theories on how to do this:
1. With pets or enemies, you could click on the NPC (I think that's what they are called. If you know what NPC means, i'd be happy to know :D) and a little box would come up. It could say, 'Add to Collection?' click yes, and BAM, it's in your Collection for you to view forever.
2. OR when you encounter the enemy or pet a certain # of times, the game would automatically add it to your collection!
As for cards, either when you get the card, or see it in a battle, the game would add it to your collection...
For the MAIN IDEA, the collection page could be three parts, A picture of the enemy, card, or pet, a stat bar, and maybe a picture of the character on a card. (Such as Gobbler?)