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card meanings?

May 14, 2009
I have a card and I don't know what it does exactly. Is there somewhere or some one that can give me a list of the cards and their meanings? Like what they do, who to ues them on and so on? Thanks!

The Players Guide is a good place to start, here's the link to the Card Magic Section.
If you have more questions, feel free to post them here too!

Feb 18, 2009
fluffie0231 wrote:
I have a card and I don't know what it does exactly. Is there somewhere or some one that can give me a list of the cards and their meanings? Like what they do, who to ues them on and so on? Thanks!

In order to get a straight answer, you'll have to tell us what the name of the card is and we can go from there.....

Hunter SilverHeart