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Didn't get my Death Scarab?

Aug 06, 2008
I sent the code in at 8:02 AM CT
And haven't gotten the Death Scarab pet.

I believe Lady Oriel said it was only for the first 100 people who entered the code.

She will be holding more Twitter contests in the future for a chance to win this and other prizes.

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
If over 100 people sent in the code in the first 2 minutes KI has a serious problem. If players go to all that work and happen to be stuck at school, or work, etc. Wow.

This is like the other give aways so far on Twitter, no realistic thought on time zones and committments.

It is very demoralizing to the younger players. I am an adult and I decided to leave these for the children. It was easy enough to figure this out puzzle, but, with over 2 million in the potential pool only giving them out to 100 people in less than two minutes...I'm not sure what people were thinking.

Has Lady Oriel been corrupted and is now on the other side?

Sep 15, 2008
Also i had to do it after school because it was 9am when it was given away here can i please get it because that was UNFAIR.

Aug 06, 2008
I thought within two minutes people wouldn't have sent in 100 codes.

Feb 07, 2009
I can understand why they would do it when not everyone was available. Can you imagine the stress of all that website traffic if they did it when most people could have entered the code? But yes, it does seem unfair to kids in school and parents who have jobs or other commitments.

Perhaps allowing 1,000 people to win the prize might have been wiser, though.