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ways to make money

Mar 08, 2009
Is there a good way to make money so I can buy some of the robes in mooshu that give cards and stat bonuses across all elements. I currently have enough money for the hat. Please tell me if this is in the wrong forum. Thanks in advance

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
Best way that I have found is find a boss that drops items that sell for high coinage. Farm the Boss. This is also a way to pick up a sword and some extra XP while you do it.

May 10, 2009
sword5963 wrote:
Is there a good way to make money so I can buy some of the robes in mooshu that give cards and stat bonuses across all elements. I currently have enough money for the hat. Please tell me if this is in the wrong forum. Thanks in advance

Also try purchasing the items you are interested in as either brown/brown or white/white. This will lower the price they cost from the npc and then you can go to the other npc to pay to have them changed to the color of your choice. You will save alot of coin this way.

Mar 08, 2009

Also try purchasing the items you are interested in as either brown/brown or white/white. This will lower the price they cost from the npc and then you can go to the other npc to pay to have them changed to the color of your choice. You will save alot of coin this way.

That's just it. I found out about the color trick, but the robes and such I want are still VERY expensive. By the way, is there a boss that isn't in an instanced zone or MooShu and beyond that gives good drops?