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Wizard 101 cards

Oct 23, 2008
Due to the delay in getting the Wizard101 cards out to Rite Aid,
we have extended the availability of the Protector Set pets until 30 June 2009!

but will we get more than a power dragon at 7-11 ??
we dont have rite aid here

Nov 20, 2008
why until june 30 why not until 30 july or better yet never why does it has a date that if you don't get it before 30 june you won't have another chance to get

Mar 22, 2009
warlockwizardmage wrote:
why until june 30 why not until 30 july or better yet never why does it has a date that if you don't get it before 30 june you won't have another chance to get

for the fact that they are doing this is a nice step for them. seeing ppl having issues finding them. Why stop after a certain date... because thats when they come out with another set of pets you get with the cards! Think about it. You buy these cards and get the pets... you going to spend more money to get the same pets? Doubt it.

Oct 23, 2008
Just like the announcement said, and others have reiterated, due to the fact that some of the RiteAid stores did not receive their shipments we have extended the availability of this particular set.
