Hello I am one of your students and i was wondering what world do you come from some people think it would be a world of a swamp where you were with your family till some thing happend or a medevil world where you were like a knight or a king or main wizard of storm.
Or since you are dressed like a magician you could possibly from like a magic show world or a carnival.
Please tell me i would like to know more about you
I too have wondered about you Professor. There are several reasons for my wondering though.
Why is it that your the only frog character we see outside the Humonofrog card?
Why are their no enemies from the swamp or anything that remotely looks like they'd be from where ever you live?
Why is it that your not in the picture of all the Professors on the website?
I've often wondered if you'd be in league with Professor Malistaire somehow since we don't know anything about you and that you are not in that picture. Not that I'm saying anything bad, but like I said, just wonderings.
I too am a Storm student (secondary school but still a storm student). I have to say that I have learned alot from you and love the spells I have graciously received.
I'm hoping that a world that your from Professor will be showing up in the Spiral soon.