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Ice Elf

Apr 25, 2009
I am a thaumaturge and every once in a while when battling ice monsters, they happen to use a fire elf-like spell but in an ice form. Is this an available spell to wizards? I read on another message board that there is a treasure card that will convert the fire elf spell to the ice and storm forms, but is this my only option. If you have any information on the topic (i.e. if I can, where I can, and what level I can learn it) please reply!

Sep 20, 2008
psychorush wrote:
I am a thaumaturge and every once in a while when battling ice monsters, they happen to use a fire elf-like spell but in an ice form. Is this an available spell to wizards? I read on another message board that there is a treasure card that will convert the fire elf spell to the ice and storm forms, but is this my only option. If you have any information on the topic (i.e. if I can, where I can, and what level I can learn it) please reply!

Yes; There are many such "Mutation" Treasures. I myself have one that will convert a Firecat into an Ice Cat (or Storm, not sure since I don't use such cards). They are quite Rare I understand; so if you find one, be sure to save it for just the right battle.

Scarlet SkullHammer (Death 40, Black Cat Pet, "Shadow")