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Suggestion to fizzle mechanics

May 09, 2009
Howdy fine folks of Wizard101,

I've enjoyed this game immensely for some time now and would like to present a suggestion that I've thought up.

Has it ever been considered to make "fizzles" less crippling than it currently is? Perhaps, instead of making "fizzled" spells completely lose their effect, have them do a lesser percentage of their actual effect (like 25%, or something). I understand that there's going to be some balancing issues that will have to be considered (especially with Divination's Wild Bolt spell) but just figured I'd throw out this suggestion that might allay one of the frustrating aspects of this game.


Feb 18, 2009
Personally, I hope they live the fizzle rate alone. Even as frustrating as it gets on my Storm wizard.

Because if they adjust it for us, and honestly, again, only my opinion, it's not overly that bad most of the time, it gets adjusted for the monsters. And they seem to fizzle enough, too.

Sometimes their fizzles benefit me, keeping me alive for one more round, sometimes my fizzles cause me death. But overall, it seems pretty decent and balanced between us and the monsters.