Now this is most likely else where but there is a lot of messages to go through lol. anyways my idea is that the minions should have a choice of their style of play, such as 1:Offensive (where it uses all pips at it's disposal to kill it's target) 2:DDefensive (Where it throws up protective shields to help in battle, along with certain fairys for healing.) 3:Assistant (Where it does whatever it feels like it should do, Much like it does now. But is a little more centered on the player and not so much it's self.) Thank You in advance for just reading and or considering these options. Oh and feel free to tinker or redesign anything that you think is flawed, just trying to help my fellow wizards with thier minion related issues
Different minions do different things. A life minion mostly heals. A storm minion shields itself and taunts. A myth minion mostly attacks and can at rare times cast a sprite. The minions behaviors are unique to suit the class. Though I do agree that the minion should pay more attention to where to cast it's spells instead of just casting randomly. When my life wizard casts her sprite the sprite spends 3-4 turns healing itself when it's already full health instead of healing a dead or dieing ally.
Oh no I agree that they are unique with the school. but as a Myth user i love what mine does, Granted stuff like hey lets cast a Myth blade on the Life wizard is a bit annoying but for the most part i like him, but in my opinion I still feel like we should have some element of choosing what they do. but in general i don't have much complaints.
I'm torn between making them player controlled and making their AI tactic adjustable. Having them player controlled might make them too powerful, and controlling the AI may not do enough with some limited movesets. Perhaps its best to leave them as is.
I do think all the assist summons should try to help their wizard above themselves at all times. Its little comfort to me if the Pixie heals its full life if I get beat up or puts a blade on a non-life buddy