I think there show be a castle set up to show your pets since so many pet collect them. Collect pets drives the game for Wizards that have played a long time. Create a showcase castle were you have plays you display your pet. Maybe you could have something you can put them on that displays what type they are. You could but it just like a castle. A pet show case. people do it now but it looks kind of cluttered. you could have a dragon room, hound room, and misc rooms. Just a thought
I have seen this done at a death house. Each room had a different variety of pets, all the different colored ghosts in one room,for example. In the rooms and halls pets were also placed on stands so they were not running all over the house. Outside, some of the pets of more numerous colors and markings, such as dragons, were in fenced corrals. It was the best pet display I have seen so far, a real pet museum.