With the new updates that include hall monitors: https://www.wizard101.com/game/update-notes/august2012, It brings up a few concerns I have. I am all for a solution to the problem, many of you know I am a wizard city protector. A group of wizards who try to keep the swearing/harassment and other TOU violations out of the game. When I first read about the "hall monitors" I was happy they did something, but then i saw some of the things that went along with them.
updatenotes wrote:
These Hall Monitors, who are selected by invitation only, will have the ability to take direct action when they see behavior that violates our Terms of Use.
Invitation only? What does that mean? Anyone can be a hall monitor? Then i reread it and found this:
for a select group of players who have earned the privilege of being a “Hall Monitor”. What are some of the requirements met? And how do you know that this player isn't a 5 year old simply who said they are 65? I certainly wouldn't want to be in a a room where "hate" is considered swearing, and i get insta-muted. Would the senior players check it immediately, because I wouldn't want my account muted or worse for a second for such an "offence".
Also, when i talked to some of my friends about this, they said they most likely would make some questionable descisions when it comes to that given the situation. Many of them have given a lot back to the community, and are very nice people if you were to start a conversation with them. But when it comes to finding a player who wouldn't do this, I am sure there are some. However if they are chosen by who completed certain criteria, then that does not mean they should be given abilities to mute someone when they have no verification as to them being a trustworthy person. Basicly making them more powerful then other wizards. Now yes, if a person has been 1, or 2 day muted for swearing once before, then they probably wouldn't be a good choice. I would be more satisfied with kingsisle workers, or mods in game. Maybe I am seeing this wrong. I just dont see the just in having people who you have no idea who they really are in game, to have the power as to mute someone.
If anyone has any more information that will help me understand more, or would just like to comment, feel free to leave it. I have only read that one paragraph, but above is my thoughts on the information I currently know.
I apologize if i come off as the "bad guy here, but once again, I am all for a solution. I am just not certain that this is the correct path to be taking.
On a final note, Is there a badge given to a "hall monitor"? much like a Kingsisle staff employee? And is it a reportable offence to claim you are a hall monitor falsely?
We appreciate your concerns but please have a little faith in us that we do extensive account background checks before we extend an invitation to be a Hall Monitor.
It is solely at the discretion of KingsIsle Entertainment as to who will be included in this program.
And yes, since the program is completely anonymous to everyone but KingsIsle, claiming you are a Hall Monitor is a reportable (and bannable) offense.
I like the idea of in-game moderators,and have suggested it on several occasions. I understand your concerns,but much prefer a "police state mentality" over the anarchy that usually occurs in the chat window. As for being muted unjustly by one.....I would not worry about it. If it does occur you would simply notify support of what happened,and they would investigate and dispense with the sanction if the complaint was valid. I would also think the person who levied this fine, would now be facing some sort of chastisement for having muted you unjustly. I'm sure KI will monitor them. :)
I have total faith in KI and their choices for Hall Monitor. IMO when starting a program like this you want the best you can find. I have no doubt the people are thoroughly vetted by KI.
I am tickled pink by this. I love that everyone know has visible proof KI does care and takes this seriously. Every time I see I pop up I will say, "Thank you KI and thank you Hall monitors".
I feel very good right now, our concerns have been heard and addressed. I am trusting KI has a good plan and will continue to deal with the filth in Spiral. This has allowed me to remain vigilant but go have fun in the Spiral with my friends.
We appreciate your concerns but please have a little faith in us that we do extensive account background checks before we extend an invitation to be a Hall Monitor.
It is solely at the discretion of KingsIsle Entertainment as to who will be included in this program.
And yes, since the program is completely anonymous to everyone but KingsIsle, claiming you are a Hall Monitor is a reportable (and bannable) offense.
Very well put professor. These people asked for something to be done. KI has addressed it in a way they thought best and now they are questioning it?
Time for them to hand over the baton and they just don't want to let it go.
I like the idea of in-game moderators,and have suggested it on several occasions. I understand your concerns,but much prefer a "police state mentality" over the anarchy that usually occurs in the chat window. As for being muted unjustly by one.....I would not worry about it. If it does occur you would simply notify support of what happened,and they would investigate and dispense with the sanction if the complaint was valid. I would also think the person who levied this fine, would now be facing some sort of chastisement for having muted you unjustly. I'm sure KI will monitor them. :)
You may want to go and read the update notes again. Below is a quote from this update. You will find that KI states all mutes by a Hall Monitor will be reviewed by Senior Staff.
These Hall Monitors, who are selected by invitation only, will have the ability to take direct action when they see behavior that violates our Terms of Use. This action includes warning and muting players who circumvent our chat filters. These sanctions will be reviewed by our senior Wizards to ensure the correct action was taken, and may escalate sanctions as necessary.
I was glad to hear more is being done to clean up the foul chat in commons, as were my friends. It is good that Prof. Greyrose said they are checking carefully, before they choose someone to be a hall monitor. My guess is that the top of their list of candidates would be people who play often, and when doing so have a strong record of reporting violations of terms of use and have proven justified in their reports by the chat logs. They would not want people who make false reports.
That worries me as well, but ki will check the reports if their valid or invalid. If that's not the case and a report can instantly mute or ban someone, it would ruin the game because these "hall monitors" are regular people that are not professional.
Hall Monitors not a good solution? Hmm, let me think about this, yes, I must completely agree with this.
Hall monitors are not a good solution, Hall Monitors is a GREAT Solution!!!
Hello? This is what WCP was trying to do, to clean up the enviornment, to make it safe and clean for everyone. As a WCP member, I expect you to know this.
I have no doubt that KI is taking this very seriously and is not going to take the selection process lightly, hence, I was not selected. Obviously, anyone that knows me and reads my posts would clearly agree with this, so this clearly states that KI will not let just anyone become a Hall Monitor.
KI you have my full support on this and my thanks. WCP will still be around to assist and I thank you for your calvary, as our front lines could definitely use some well earned R&R and go back to playing the game we all love.
To those that have doubts: Change does not happen Over-Night, this will of course take some time. Hall Monitors can not be online 24/7 and be everywhere at all times, they are human after all, no different than each and everyone of us. I am sure they are taking it very seriously and have the same goals that we have set forth, to uphold the code of conduct and term of use that was set forth when we all signed up to play this game.
We appreciate your concerns but please have a little faith in us that we do extensive account background checks before we extend an invitation to be a Hall Monitor.
It is solely at the discretion of KingsIsle Entertainment as to who will be included in this program.
And yes, since the program is completely anonymous to everyone but KingsIsle, claiming you are a Hall Monitor is a reportable (and bannable) offense.
professer greyrose could kingisle ever catch who is warning and muting for no reason i am concerned becuasse yesterday morning and yesterday noon and people were getting muted and warned for no reason would you be able to catch them if you could plz let me know ill be very thankful i feel bad for those people though and how is it bad to say swear? plz tell me after you have read this message :D
We appreciate your concerns but please have a little faith in us that we do extensive account background checks before we extend an invitation to be a Hall Monitor.
It is solely at the discretion of KingsIsle Entertainment as to who will be included in this program.
And yes, since the program is completely anonymous to everyone but KingsIsle, claiming you are a Hall Monitor is a reportable (and bannable) offense.
oh and my back round not so good so if you want me to be a hall monitor that would be a honor for me but i dont think ill ever be one but wiz101 and pirate101 is a good very good game i hope everyone of all ages likes it and how do you get notify if you can become a hall monitor and sorry i been acting bad on the game sometimes its all my fault buti am acting better but it wont repay it cause i been acting kinda bad sorry
We appreciate your concerns but please have a little faith in us that we do extensive account background checks before we extend an invitation to be a Hall Monitor.
It is solely at the discretion of KingsIsle Entertainment as to who will be included in this program.
And yes, since the program is completely anonymous to everyone but KingsIsle, claiming you are a Hall Monitor is a reportable (and bannable) offense.
Thank you professor, I was not certain of that. I have opened up to the idea, and i do trust you guys if you say it will be good, it will be good and do its job and solve the problem. I just needed a few questions answered before I gained a strong opinion one way or another.
Darthjt, I had a feeling you would originally opose me on this. I did not have the full details, and while I am not in love with the solution, it still will work. My thinking was it would be something like ex: We have decided to reconstruct our PvP system to hopefully stop complaints. Well great! Lets do it! But then we find out that PvP has been removed. I am not saying our chat should be removed(however i do agree with goldendragon on the menu only for F2P). I am saying that sometimes the solution is not always the one we hoped for. I personally have not seen it in action yet. However, that does not mean that i shouldn't be allowed to express a few concerns i have in possible flaws.
brwac, I am all for a solution, I did not have the full extent of the information to use. I always have been for a solution. So has our group.
professer greyrose could kingisle ever catch who is warning and muting for no reason
i am concerned becuasse yesterday morning and yesterday noon and people were getting muted and warned for no reason
would you be able to catch them if you could plz let me know ill be very thankful i feel bad for those people though and how is it bad to say swear? plz tell me after you have read this message :D
Drago622, if you saw someone warned or muted yesterday, it was for a reason. The Hall Monitors are very careful in what they do.
There will not be any problems with the Hall monitors that KI can not fix. So, don't worry about someone being warned or muted.
If you do not have open or filtered chat, then the chances are you were not able to see even a small amount of what the person may have said.
Hall Monitors not a good solution? Hmm, let me think about this, yes, I must completely agree with this.
Hall monitors are not a good solution, Hall Monitors is a GREAT Solution!!!
Hello? This is what WCP was trying to do, to clean up the enviornment, to make it safe and clean for everyone. As a WCP member, I expect you to know this.
I have no doubt that KI is taking this very seriously and is not going to take the selection process lightly, hence, I was not selected. Obviously, anyone that knows me and reads my posts would clearly agree with this, so this clearly states that KI will not let just anyone become a Hall Monitor.
KI you have my full support on this and my thanks. WCP will still be around to assist and I thank you for your calvary, as our front lines could definitely use some well earned R&R and go back to playing the game we all love.
To those that have doubts: Change does not happen Over-Night, this will of course take some time. Hall Monitors can not be online 24/7 and be everywhere at all times, they are human after all, no different than each and everyone of us. I am sure they are taking it very seriously and have the same goals that we have set forth, to uphold the code of conduct and term of use that was set forth when we all signed up to play this game.
yes its a good idea but darth! you gotta relize some of these hall monitors are not who you think they are today again useless useless! mutes and warning ugh i am sick of tired of these hall monitors that mute and warn for useless reason :( it really makes me sad i wish wiz101 would go back and not have hall monitors unless they see action that intorporait cursisng or fights they gonna know that its hall monitors were useless warnings and everything today i wish everything was back to normal lets just go back to reporting not no hall monitors kingisle i have faith in you but this is my opionion why would they do this? darthjt you gotta watch out for these useless warnings and mtues because of a hall monitor we can have fun and everything but i dont understand these useless warnings and useless mutes it bothers me so badly! its so sad for these people
I support Kingsisle trying to clean this game from inappropriate language however i don't feel this is safe for my kids playing this game with random people being picked to spy on people and who knows how they can abuse the power, I don't play this game however my kids do and i am very informed about everything that goes on, i don't think its safe for my kids at all
I support Kingsisle trying to clean this game from inappropriate language however i don't feel this is safe for my kids playing this game with random people being picked to spy on people and who knows how they can abuse the power, I don't play this game however my kids do and i am very informed about everything that goes on, i don't think its safe for my kids at all
Let me address your concerns. If your child is under age, they should only have Menu Chat. You control the level of chat that your child can use and see - if you have given them access to 18+ chat that was your decision and you can change those settings in the My Accounts section of the Wizard101 website.
We do not pick 'random people' to be Hall Monitors. Please give us a little credit that we are very careful in our screening.
All chat in the game always has and always will be logged and reviewed. If you or your child are saying something inappropriate, it has always been read and reviewed by a KingsIsle employee.
I am sorry you do not feel that this is a safe environment for your children, but we put the power of controlling the chat in the hands of the parents.
I support Kingsisle trying to clean this game from inappropriate language however i don't feel this is safe for my kids playing this game with random people being picked to spy on people and who knows how they can abuse the power, I don't play this game however my kids do and i am very informed about everything that goes on, i don't think its safe for my kids at all
Let me address your concerns. If your child is under age, they should only have Menu Chat. You control the level of chat that your child can use and see - if you have given them access to 18+ chat that was your decision and you can change those settings in the My Accounts section of the Wizard101 website.
We do not pick 'random people' to be Hall Monitors. Please give us a little credit that we are very careful in our screening.
All chat in the game always has and always will be logged and reviewed. If you or your child are saying something inappropriate, it has always been read and reviewed by a KingsIsle employee.
I am sorry you do not feel that this is a safe environment for your children, but we put the power of controlling the chat in the hands of the parents.
professor you still didnt asnwer my question will kingisle find and catch these useless mutes and warnings?? and ban them or do something or make them not a hall monitor? its confusing professor plz asnwer my question all though it may be good sloution but still in a way its not at all my mood to blazedash101 is this :x kingisle is trying to make it safe for kids as much as it can even adults i believe so idk why you mad at kingisle??? so um no reason because there trying to keep the spiral clean but its these useless warnings and mutes unless you can already just use menu chat blazedash101 you gotta learn there trying as hard as they can blaze i support and respect the makings about the hall monitors but its just they do useless warnings and mutes and professor greyrose can you tell me if they get banned ill be happy for the ones who do get banned for useless warnings and mutes :-) but yet again and i am strongly cautioned about the hall monitrs professor so catch the ones who make the useless warnings and mutes ill be so happy :) :)
i am wondering it can be banned but professoer would you ban those thoguh i mean like they did stuff to innocent people! :( i feel so sry for them
Drago622, those Hall monitors are going to be around for a long time. KI is not going to just shut them down as long a they do not do some thing wrong.
These players you are saying are innocent and got muted, more than likely did do something they should not have done. If you do not have the chat those players might have, you can not see what they said. The Hall Monitors are very careful not to make false reports. KI will look at all of those reports the same way they always do. If those players did do something wrong then KI may make the mute permanent or even ban the players.
Thank you Professor Greyrose. You have been very considerate and prompt in trying to help players and their families understand that KI will not just pick random players as Hall Monitors. I hope that all players will appreciate the hard work KI is going through in picking the right ones to be Hall Monitors.
I support Kingsisle trying to clean this game from inappropriate language however i don't feel this is safe for my kids playing this game with random people being picked to spy on people and who knows how they can abuse the power, I don't play this game however my kids do and i am very informed about everything that goes on, i don't think its safe for my kids at all
Let me address your concerns. If your child is under age, they should only have Menu Chat. You control the level of chat that your child can use and see - if you have given them access to 18+ chat that was your decision and you can change those settings in the My Accounts section of the Wizard101 website.
We do not pick 'random people' to be Hall Monitors. Please give us a little credit that we are very careful in our screening.
All chat in the game always has and always will be logged and reviewed. If you or your child are saying something inappropriate, it has always been read and reviewed by a KingsIsle employee.
I am sorry you do not feel that this is a safe environment for your children, but we put the power of controlling the chat in the hands of the parents.
That is right Greyrose very true they are responsible if they want them to say anything they want not the creators and admins.
You may want to go and read the update notes again. Below is a quote from this update. You will find that KI states all mutes by a Hall Monitor will be reviewed by Senior Staff.
It sounds like you need to reread it. My post simply reiterates what it says,and tells a poster what to do if he feels he has been muted unjustly. I am not sure how you could misread something so simple, but this isn't the first time you have done this. I suggest paying more attention,and not posting needlessly.