I have read on multiple websites such as wizard101 central, and wizard101 wiki, and they both told me that if i hatch my collosus pet with an orthrus then i would get either frost hound or orthrus, i have now tried 3 times to do this and i always end up my collosus back from the hatch everytime!... I am getting very frustrated and annoyed by this, can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong if i am.? ~Christo Frostblood
You aren't doing anything wrong its just that there's a 50% chance you want get a pet and a 50% chance you will get a pet. Just keep trying and you will (maybe) get your pet it took me 35 trys to get my orthrus.
OMG... I have spent over a TON of gold on trying this with my ice collosus. ok so you have 50% chance of getting ice hound, 50% chance of getting a sandman (myth collosus), 50% frosthound, and about a 40% chance off getting all the stats you want once that pet reaches epic. It makes me wanna rage quit because of the gold i spend aiming for an ice hound. I have posted a suggestion that hybrids should be a 100% chance because of the rarity of the parents. I have met a ton of wizard who have agreed with me in-game and, frankly, they are just as annoyed as i am.