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Level 55 Fire Quest Is Too Hard.

Jan 17, 2012
Skabrok is always killing me, even with my really good robe that helps me against Storm, i always die, I even use treasures, but I still lose, can someone give me advice on how to defeat him?

Apr 27, 2012
1. Ask some friends for help. Lots of people are really friendly, and are willing to help.

2. If you have crowns, get some henchman. Whenever I have a hard boss and none of my friends are on, I use the opposite school of the boss to defeat him. (The Henchman usually attack the first enemy on the opposite side unless they've been taunted, so when starting a battle, try going straight for the boss.)

3. Wait until you're a higher level and have better gear to take him down. Ignore the quest for a while and do other quests in different worlds to level up faster, and maybe earn new spells and clothes.

Also, if you still need help, I can help you, because all my current quests are dungeons, basically (like Briskbreeze tower and Nastrond.)

- Savannah LifeHunter, Level 57 Theurgist

Jan 17, 2012
Well, Nastrond is troubling me, meet me in Hurundle Fjord in the orturus realm