okay i'm in waterworks with a death wizard a 2 myth wizards and im life now i have only healed my team mates twice and we are on the 3rd lever and they have all been healing them selves now correct me if im wrong but as a life wizard isn't healing my job now if all the other schools can heal then why doesn't KI just delete life wizards from W101 if we are no longer needed for either pvp or pve well my point is why should i show up for work if every one else is just going to do my job for me and on top of that they do it better then i do i mean i feel like im just along for the ride and not really needed do any other life wizards feel this way?
Personally when I made my first life wizard I did not know it was the healer of the spiral and I played to kill, not saying that when I helped others - which I did a lot - I didn't throw a sprite to them now and then but mainly my focus was on defeating monsters. I soloed a lot so got used to that sort of playing. No one was defeated or didn't get credit for any fight I helped them with. I figured out how to time attacks and healing so they balanced and made short work of the duel.
Waterworks was the first instance I went into playing life support. I was nervous because I never was responsible for a group like that before. After a few times in I managed to keep everyone at the same health they entered with. I did go in there with another life wizard that ran Sun spot and he could of soloed it, he had his wizard tweaked so fine that it dealt out massive damage - all with things won or bought with gold in the game.
The point of the Life wizard in there, I believe, is so that the others do not waste pips on healing and save for hits, making the instance go much faster, played correctly you can clear this instance in less then 45 mins.. By the time I did my last run in there I was able to be the healer and the hitter because I could load rebirths and forest lords depending on who needed what run either every 4 rounds.
In the end I was never sorry I learned how to play the game on a Life wizard first. I didn't start to make other wizards until she was at the end of Celestia and waiting on the next world. It will always be my favorite school since I worked it so I could do it all - as many wizards would tell me.
As all my friends have left the game I decided to retire Mary after Mirror Lake, Avalon is said to be more of a group play world and she does not deserve to try to solo it there and Zafaria is about as stressful as I can stand. Since I have raised 2 other life wizards across our accounts.
okay i'm in waterworks with a death wizard a 2 myth wizards and im life now i have only healed my team mates twice and we are on the 3rd lever and they have all been healing them selves now correct me if im wrong but as a life wizard isn't healing my job now if all the other schools can heal then why doesn't KI just delete life wizards from W101 if we are no longer needed for either pvp or pve well my point is why should i show up for work if every one else is just going to do my job for me and on top of that they do it better then i do i mean i feel like im just along for the ride and not really needed do any other life wizards feel this way?
I know how you feel but Life wizards aren't given a Forest Lord for nothing. I would be more than happy to attack alongside them if they can heal. Furthermore, they can only heal so much, still not at par with a tree with the absorb shield bonus.
Archmages Ronan Lionhand Fiona Stardust Jose Winterbane Brahm
I'm a life wizard too. I'm glad that my teammates can heal themselves. It takes some of the pressure off of me and allows me to do more attacking instead of just healing all the time. It gets boring if all you have to do is heal. There are still fights/dungeons that I need to concentrate on healing my teammates, but for the most part it is no longer all up to me and I love that.
okay i'm in waterworks with a death wizard a 2 myth wizards and im life now i have only healed my team mates twice and we are on the 3rd lever and they have all been healing them selves now correct me if im wrong but as a life wizard isn't healing my job now if all the other schools can heal then why doesn't KI just delete life wizards from W101 if we are no longer needed for either pvp or pve well my point is why should i show up for work if every one else is just going to do my job for me and on top of that they do it better then i do i mean i feel like im just along for the ride and not really needed do any other life wizards feel this way?
Why on earth would they delete Life? Your 'job' isn't necessarily to heal everyone around you know. You have the same capabilities as everyone else to actually fight. My Life wizards rarely heal because I solo the game. And enjoy it. You may just have to rethink how you play the game; going from healer to fighter takes a different deck set up.
I am on my third life wizard. I love Life. I have found that I heal quite a bit. I notice that Life, like all other wizards, go though a phase that they seem worthless/un-nessary/exc.. But I have also come to find that nothing helps a fully agroed Storm Wizard, helps fill in the gaps for a Death Wizard, makes a Fire Wizard laugh, exc. then a Life. Every game needs a healer...even those who mosh on crowns. I LOVE my lifers and would not ditch them for that missing hole in the class room for any other wizard. (I am of course refering to the chosing screen for what wizard you want to play since there are only 6 slots and 7 wizards to use.)
okay i'm in waterworks with a death wizard a 2 myth wizards and im life now i have only healed my team mates twice and we are on the 3rd lever and they have all been healing them selves now correct me if im wrong but as a life wizard isn't healing my job now if all the other schools can heal then why doesn't KI just delete life wizards from W101 if we are no longer needed for either pvp or pve well my point is why should i show up for work if every one else is just going to do my job for me and on top of that they do it better then i do i mean i feel like im just along for the ride and not really needed do any other life wizards feel this way?
Yes, they have taken away our uniqueness by giving our powers to other schools as well.
I agree with all the others. Besides, there not gonna delete them cause of 1 person. They still have good attacks, and they don't HAVE to heal others. And if we went your way, then we would not be able to get on to wizard 101 for a long time. Because they would have to change the whole story line of the game.
If they felt the need to heal themselves, then you were the one not doing your job. Also, on that note, healing is NOT your job. You are also given attack cards, and the choice of a secondary school to ATTACK! No school is meant to do one thing! Balace is not meant to simply shield! If it was, it wouldnt have any attack cards, just like life isnt meant to just heal.
I think your just being a little sensitive. They are not going to remove the life school, otherwise everyone would die. Its just overall a bad idea, and one that will never happen.
I just want to add that without getting a life mastery amulet, then training in life as a second school, as well as getting gear that boosts healing, but sacrifices other things, nobody can heal as well as we can. And we can kill, too. Don't forget that. Forest Lord and Gnomes are nothing to take lightly. Even the low level Centaur can do serious damage if used properly. Don't ever sell yourself short. In tough dungeons such as waterworks, most other schools look for a life wizard to go in with.
Is Life wizards needed in Wizard 101? Oh Yeah! I have a lvl 51 Life wizard that's still in Dragonspyre because I get ALLOT of help request and when I'm going to one of my quest. I might see someone in dire need of healing and ask them if the need healing , which they say yes most of the time. So, being a Life wizards means you'll be called on allot cause we're so fun to have around.
Hey all, just an update. Last night I was in waterworks with my life wiz and three other players. One either lost connection or bailed on us after Luska. The three remaining, including myself, continued on until the end. One player died twice during the battle with Sylster, but did not have to flee and come back. Why? Because I healed him with a critical satyr. I could even see the other players texting before going in "We need a life wizard to join." I rest my case.