Hey everyone. For the first time since I started playing this game, I saw something that actually made me want to report a person: some guy was threatening another guy, saying "Gift me or else I will report you again".
I was certain that something had to be done, so I reported them and took a screen shot. But, after reading the stuff about reporting, I'm not sure if I made the right decision or if I submitted a false report because that particular issue is not addressed in the knowledge base/FAQ.
Can someone clarify this issue for me, please? And, if I did report them erroneously, I do apologize. Thank you.
Actually, reporting someone for threatening to report another is a False report. False reports go against the person that makes them and not the person they are reporting.
You probably could have filed a Harassment report depending on the extent and context of the conversation.
Here are a couple of links to check out and also the link to the ToU.
Honestly we must remember reporting a person who we suspect has sent in a false report on us will go against US not them. We are not allowed to retaliate against those who send in false reports by reporting them back... that never goes against them it goes against us and the false report THEY sent in goes against THEM. Two wrongs never make a right.
A threat to send in a report is NOT a reportable thing unless it is paired with profanity, racial slurs or clear bullying in the sense of personal hate attacks, threats of bodily harm at either their hand or telling you to hurt yourself. It would also be reportable if he or she threatened to hack or steal your account or asked you for your account info or other personal info.
Gift beggar should NEVER be engaged, or responded to in any way shape or form. Simply say no sorry, no crowns or simply switch realms or areas. Until gift begging is reportable there is not much we can do.
Below is what Prof. GreyRose said in terms of what IS reportable: Hello,
A few things to note about the chatting in Wizard101:
1. You can't change your date of birth. If you entered an incorrect date of birth when you first registered, we're sorry for the inconvenience. It's a non-editable (nor is it edible) field.
2. Filtered chat - you must have made a purchase with a valid CREDIT CARD to move an account from menu chat to filtered chat (yes, it's Federal law (COPPA to be exact) and no, we're not going to mess with the Feds just because you accidentally put in the wrong date of birth (see #1)).
3. Open chat requires having an account over the age of 18 years old. Period. No exceptions and no miracle aging cures allowed!
4. Having Open chat does NOT allow you to see the ". . ." of misspelled words being said by a Filtered chatter - it's not the Rosetta Stone of chat options.
5. Typing around the chat filters &/or having Open chat does NOT excuse you from the Terms of Use. There's no "First Amendment" in the Spiral. You don't have the right to be harassing, rude, crude or an otherwise uncouth louse. Having type chat is a privilege, not a right. As a mature player capable of handling the responsibility, we presume you already know that.
If you still have questions, please review the Knowledge Base articles specific to each chat level.
Hey everyone. For the first time since I started playing this game, I saw something that actually made me want to report a person: some guy was threatening another guy, saying "Gift me or else I will report you again".
I was certain that something had to be done, so I reported them and took a screen shot. But, after reading the stuff about reporting, I'm not sure if I made the right decision or if I submitted a false report because that particular issue is not addressed in the knowledge base/FAQ.
Can someone clarify this issue for me, please? And, if I did report them erroneously, I do apologize. Thank you.
As wrong as it is, simply "being rude" is not reportable.
The conversation you witnessed walks a very-thin line between rudeness and full-on harassment. However, only harassment that is graphic in nature or contains profanity is actually reportable.
So, yes~ KI would probably consider this a false report. But, as long as you don't have a history of filing false reports, it's probably not a big deal~ perhaps one of the professors can add to this.
The threat to report is not the issue. I consider the threat to report due to the other player refusing to give a gift to be the offense. It is an attempt at bullying. That is the reportable offense, in my mind.
Thank you all for the information and advice, it is appreciated. I considered it a reportable offense, honestly, but I wasn't sure what KI's stance would be.
The person submitting false reports was one thing and if it had just been that, I probably would have left it alone and figured KI would handle it. But it was when the threat/harassment was added ("Gift me this or else.") that I thought it became a reportable offense.
An explanation is hardly a justification though and, if I reported someone falsely, I apologize.
Thank you guys again for weighing in on the matter for me! :)
I wouldn't worry about it. KI will investigate it and determine if it is a false report. As long as you don't have a history of false reports, than I wouldn't worry about it. It is always better to be safe than sorry. The people at KI are very intelligent and I am sure that they will use their best judgement.