I can't seem to get into any Ranked matches is there a reasons for this? My Pet's a teen and is old enough, I can get through to where it's found opponent and waiting on them to accept but it never get's past that it this something wrong on my account or is this people not accepting? Because it waits on opponent to accept longer than the time it gives you.
I can't seem to get into any Ranked matches is there a reasons for this? My Pet's a teen and is old enough, I can get through to where it's found opponent and waiting on them to accept but it never get's past that it this something wrong on my account or is this people not accepting? Because it waits on opponent to accept longer than the time it gives you.
Can anybody help me with this?
Thanks :)
I am having the same problem, it says taking me to arena then confirming with opponents but then just goes and goes and goes...
The problem with the ranked derby seems to be lack of participation. You must have at least 3 people with pets of the same age to race, and they must accept in the given time. If they are in a pet game or a fight when they get the message, they might delay accepting or choose to decline. They may even have been waiting long enough that they stepped away from the keyboard, or decide to drop out of the race. Some people may even choose not to accept a race if they don't think they can beat the pets that are near the ranked sign in. When there are no longer enough racers for the race to start, the process of finding opponents starts again. Sometimes there are more racers and it is possible to get a teen pet into a ranked race in a short amount of time, for adult pets, it is more difficult. My ancient and epic pets have not raced in a very long time, because the wait for a race can drag on more than an hour. Wizard Central organizes tournaments in the Practice Derby. Due to the difficulty getting in the ranked Derby, not many seem to try anymore. It seems like a better reward for participating in the ranked race is needed, or perhaps a higher reward for the older pet's Derby Races.