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can someone plz help me defeat jotun

Apr 02, 2011
Jul 23, 2011
I have an archmage sorceror, and would be willing to help you. Just let me know what time and what realm. Also, try to find a life mage to come along. I don't know what time zone you are in, but I am usually on at about 11:00 p.m. Las Vegas time. If you are on at a similar time, just post a reply.

Feb 28, 2012
Jun 12, 2012
Level 53 Life. I need to defeat him also. Early evenings (CST) best for me.

May 19, 2012
Not sure if you realize it, but you don't have to defeat all four bosses at the same time. If you go into the dungeon to the left and right first, you can take on the other bosses individually, then go to the middle dungeon and do Jotun last. There are other mini bosses inside the other dungeons too, but you don't have to defeat them if you don't want to.

May 30, 2011
if you want to face Ullik you have to beat everything in his domain just to face him which would gain some good loot and one of the bosses might drop a pet and there is a yard bird in there also. Now Gettir's domain is a large maze and a tome is in there and you can can avoid fighting but you have to time your movements so you don't get caught. and if you manage to beat them then its just jotun and the the weak minion but you still need more then one person to face jotun unless your character has a high storm resist.

Apr 30, 2012
Guess what? I was a level 25 or something when i defeated jotun. lol . I accidently wandered in there because i was bored and went into battle with him... i didnt know he was a guy with 9,000 health! (Almost as strong as malistare ) Any way i just invited a bunch of strong friends that invited there friends and about a half hour later we killed him . Trust me i dont wanna defeat him agian so yah. Bye! Anna GhostRider out!

Jul 10, 2011
You can go into the other two dungeons to defeat his brothers. Then you can fight jotun without his brothers. I killed jotun without going into the other dungeons just the middle one with help of a legendary pyromancer, legendary theurgist, grandmaster diviner and me, Lvl 60 (at that time) pyromancer :) Try getting temporary gear that gives you high storm resist (unless you are ice they have too much resist) and good damage for your school and health. If you are happy with your gear, getting some strong friends is recommended. Happy Questing

Wolf SilverSpear ~ Lvl 62 "Master Artisan" Pyromancer

p.s. wintertusk is epic!

Jun 20, 2010
I need help defeating Jotun myself. I can actually get to Jotun w/out fighting, but there's no way I can solo him. I'm a level 41 Theurgist named Caitlin Nightrider. Gray Warg mount. I'm generally on the world Helephant. Can go through the other 2 dungeons for his brothers if you want.

End message, Caitlin Nightrider.