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Goat Monk Spell

Jul 23, 2011
I have a Life wizard I would love to get this spell for. I know it is dropped by a boss in Mooshu. Can anyone tell me where that boss is? Also can anyone tell me where the secret boss is in the Tree of Life in Mooshu that drops the Sword Saint badge?

Sep 19, 2011
Caballo203 wrote:
I have a Life wizard I would love to get this spell for. I know it is dropped by a boss in Mooshu. Can anyone tell me where that boss is? Also can anyone tell me where the secret boss is in the Tree of Life in Mooshu that drops the Sword Saint badge?

Look it up on the wizard 101 centralwiki

Jul 03, 2010
Caballo203 wrote:
I have a Life wizard I would love to get this spell for. I know it is dropped by a boss in Mooshu. Can anyone tell me where that boss is? Also can anyone tell me where the secret boss is in the Tree of Life in Mooshu that drops the Sword Saint badge?

Here will help with the spell


And here is about Tree of Life area


Jul 23, 2011
Yeah, I found it there, but still haven't tried to get the spell. It's in Shiritaki Temple, which is, I believe, called an instance dungeon. You have to do a series of quests to get to the boss that drops the spell. Thanks for the advice, though.

Feb 24, 2009
That would be considered spoilers, however, our fansite has the answer! http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Spell:Goat_Monk
And it isnt dropped by Youkai, but it is by a boss in shiritaki temple ;)

Jun 08, 2008
Caballo203 wrote:
I have a Life wizard I would love to get this spell for. I know it is dropped by a boss in Mooshu. Can anyone tell me where that boss is? Also can anyone tell me where the secret boss is in the Tree of Life in Mooshu that drops the Sword Saint badge?

the spell is dropped in the shiraki temple instance, the goat monk in one of the four houses u do battles in drops it, i can't think of hs name, sry. can't help with the badge

Jul 23, 2011
Thanks for all of the replies. I found "sword saint" at a secret boss at the very end of the Tree of Life. I know now that the goat monk spell is dropped by Zeneki in the air shrine in Shiritaki Temple. I haven't attempted the goat monk drop yet, however, because I haven't felt like farming an instance dungeon for a spell drop. Waterworks gear is higher on my list of priorities right now. Thanks again.