Say i have a starfish that with Ice-Giver, Ice-Shot, Health Giver, and Spell Proof. The stats of my pet arent maxed out and are about 100 less from it. Will those stats being maxed out have any effect on the talents that i already learned or will they stay neutral and cannot be upgraded anymore. I have a Blue Cyclops that has Ice-Giver and it increased after adult, ancient and Epic. Is it only leveling up the pet or Getting the Stats?
As I understand it (and I could easily be wrong) maxing out your pet's stats will affect those 4 traits. The abilities are calculated by some formula, so having the traits maxed gives you more life, or a higher percentage added to the damage or accuracy or whatever the talent give you. Check out the wizard central wiki section on pets; when you click on the talent they often tell you the formula used in that particular calculation.