Should you get the number next to the pedigree as high as possible, or is the pedigree the only one that matters?
For instance, if I want to hatch a pet that has 52 (12) as its pedigree, should I try to get the second number higher with pet pavilion games?
There doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to the pedigree. But what you want is the proper talents, which you get by training them. (that's the second number)
Should you get the number next to the pedigree as high as possible, or is the pedigree the only one that matters?
For instance, if I want to hatch a pet that has 52 (12) as its pedigree, should I try to get the second number higher with pet pavilion games?
: ok so pick a kind of pet it could be like say you hatch a angle person and anight mare one of the picks could be a pegasus like the mounts or a person hatched a fire cat and a leopard can it be a white tiger pet?
The first number (Not in parenthesis), represents how high the talents ranking are, like, the little dots next to it, all added up + an extra 20 (Minimum number is like 22 or something :P) The 2nd number represents the talents worth. Common = 1 Uncommon = 2 Rare = 3 Ultra-Rare = 4 Epic = 5 So if someone had "Unicorn"(An epic talent) and "Spritely"(A rare talent) and 2 uncommon derby talents talent on a 54 pedigree pet, it would show up as: 54(12) (Familiar much?)