Okay So, I Have a Myth Student Of Level 15 So Far, I'm In Colossus Boulevard and I Was Wondering What Schools to get other cards from, At The Moment My Deck Mainly Revolves around Mythblade, Strike (Filler To get Pips) and Cyclops. This Seems to work at the moment, but I know it wont work forever. So I Was just wondering for some Tips on what Other Deck to buy and What cards to use. :P
Okay So, I Have a Myth Student Of Level 15 So Far, I'm In Colossus Boulevard and I Was Wondering What Schools to get other cards from, At The Moment My Deck Mainly Revolves around Mythblade, Strike (Filler To get Pips) and Cyclops. This Seems to work at the moment, but I know it wont work forever. So I Was just wondering for some Tips on what Other Deck to buy and What cards to use. :P
i recomend actually a list of secondary spells ya should have ( trust me higher pip spells from other schools arent worth it even with mastery amulet unless it boosts your other spells)
go ice to tower shield ( best shield in game and low training point cost) death to fient ( deadly trap but its not good for the twin hitters later so get this one after tower shield if ya want) life to satyr ( farm for life mastery amulet and those heals will be better pip cost wise but i dont know if your a crown and membership player so just gonna say when your legend there are some places to farm these but ya cant enter now AT ALL)
also grab the spirit blades and spirit traps from niles in kt ( ya dont have to train a specific spell for these ones)
that should get you started
also when ya get to cl ( your way far from it but big time saver if ya have friends that use polymorphs grab some for polymorph fights XD)
in cl definitely get the gargantuan family it really helps
Okay So, I Have a Myth Student Of Level 15 So Far, I'm In Colossus Boulevard and I Was Wondering What Schools to get other cards from, At The Moment My Deck Mainly Revolves around Mythblade, Strike (Filler To get Pips) and Cyclops. This Seems to work at the moment, but I know it wont work forever. So I Was just wondering for some Tips on what Other Deck to buy and What cards to use. :P
I do not train in secondary schools, I did with my first wizard and found it was a waste of time past Mooshu when I start getting power pips more regular, I was lucky enough to have enough training points for ones that did help me and did not have to buy them back.
On my Myth - Level 71 I did get the Blades, not traps, from Niles in Krock Land and then once level 50 trained in the Sun spells - not the ones that are bow and arrow but boost ones only, starting at Giant. You don't have to take both to continue one with them. The rest of my power is damage/pips etc from gear. Thanks to the frog that has gotten me though the spiral and back - getting him early on I thought I would be cooked using him in Avalon - not so.
Okay So, I Have a Myth Student Of Level 15 So Far, I'm In Colossus Boulevard and I Was Wondering What Schools to get other cards from, At The Moment My Deck Mainly Revolves around Mythblade, Strike (Filler To get Pips) and Cyclops. This Seems to work at the moment, but I know it wont work forever. So I Was just wondering for some Tips on what Other Deck to buy and What cards to use. :P
Try to get familiar with your minions. They will be of the best use at your early levels. Pay attention to them and keep your defenses high. Grab tower shield immediately. Do not get the spirit trap now! Don't do it save those points! Get weakness and tower shield now.
Once you get minotaur around 33, you will be using that as your main attack for a while. And spending all that time using spirit traps, spending a pip a turn just to put two of them on one enemy is slow, leaves you vulnerable to abuse, and is just too risky. Stick with time of legend and myth blades, spirit blades. Frogs are good, and always try to keep a certain minion on hand.
If I were you now, I'd keep a few trolls/cyclops minions. I would also keep a wooden puppet for free firepower, become friends with the puppet.
When you get time of legend, keep it up in your fights. Keep your defenses high and ambush. You'll be fine.
Get weakness and tower first. You have pixies for heals, life spells can wait. Leave spirit trap later until you get Medusa or something.