I'm just wondering if this is something we'll be having to pay for? I'm switching to a macbook pro soon and lately I've read that you guys are having a partnership to make the game compatible for Mac. I wouldn't mind paying like 20$ just to play my favorite game but I'd sincerely much rather not and like many others I'm sure they'd much rather not. So I leave you with the question of : Will we be paying for this partnership?
They all you to do a 15 day trial. Which I am on now. Have 6 days left. The game works well for my !mac (a few lock ups every now and then), Bad news I think you will have to buy.
$60 for 12 month support / upgrade $50 for 6 month support / upgrade $40 for 1 month support / upgrade
I am still debating if I will buy or not.. but trail is free so give it a shot.