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Wintertusk hidden secrets

Jan 19, 2009
Hello. I am a level 72 storm wizard and I was trying to finish up Wintertusk today so that I could receive insane bolt when I noticed something interesting. In hrundle fjord there is a small sign near grandmother raven and I noticed it had a bunch of Norse writing on it. I just so happen to know Norse. From what I can make of it, they are a bunch of names: Rick, Tammy, dale, Greg, Jeff, Kyle, Eric, jenn, Tim, Amy, Sarah, Trent, lucky(I think), vlad, Kate, and Kim. So I was just wondering if these are the names of the board that made the game? Or if they are just random names.

- nick

Dec 02, 2011
it is meant to be all the bears who live in hrundle fjord there is a quest about it too