I'm not sure if i am posting this in the right place but, i know that the death wizard is to be on his own but, to me Death is very strong force to go against. Why is it that the Death wizard is so weak? I got a lot of players coming to me for help and I do my best to give the help I can. Please Oh please Do something about about the Death Wizard. Something that says I am a DEATH WIZARD DON"T mess with me! I mean death is something that we all want to avoid. I was thinking a nice new group attack card would do. Like frankie as a group attack would be nice.\ or and ampifer spell card. With the bad guys at rank 12 or higher the Death Wizard need the help when he is on his own. I think the Death Wizard is the strongest one of the them all . can you help the Death Wizard?
Death is my favorite school and by no means under powered. They are by far the best soloest school in the game. With attacks that heal, I did not even bother training any life spells at all. Granted, I think Scarecrow is pushed to the limits in Avalon, but still quite useful.
My Death wizard is Devin Darksong. If you see me in game, say Hi and ask me to show you some strategies that will help.