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Possible Fix on Guardian Spirit

May 10, 2010
To make everyone happy and keep PvP players from complaining. I suggest making this spell a 1 time resurrection spell per battle. So, it can only be used once per battle per person. That would effectively stop all the complaints that this spell is too overpowered.

Oct 24, 2010
darthjt wrote:
To make everyone happy and keep PvP players from complaining. I suggest making this spell a 1 time resurrection spell per battle. So, it can only be used once per battle per person. That would effectively stop all the complaints that this spell is too overpowered.

That sounds fair to me. :)

Aug 28, 2010
darthjt wrote:
To make everyone happy and keep PvP players from complaining. I suggest making this spell a 1 time resurrection spell per battle. So, it can only be used once per battle per person. That would effectively stop all the complaints that this spell is too overpowered.


I would have no complaint on that, and it would solve the huge time adder that is now in PvP with Life.


A+ Student
Mar 02, 2010
darthjt wrote:
To make everyone happy and keep PvP players from complaining. I suggest making this spell a 1 time resurrection spell per battle. So, it can only be used once per battle per person. That would effectively stop all the complaints that this spell is too overpowered.

But then again, Sacrifice would kind of have to be changed too...

Dec 14, 2009
I disagree. I think the spell is fine the way it is,and there is no need to cave to incessant complaints that have no merit. If you limit it to one usage,then the other schools should have the same restrictions placed on their attacks,shielding,buffing,etc. Pvp simply needs an overhaul from top to bottom to work correctly. The process of simply "nerfing" spells every time someone complains will never solve the true problem,which is the way pvp is set up poorly here.
This is of course just my humble opinion,but it comes from someone who played AD&D when it was still called "Chainmail". I am also a consummate gamer and pvp enthusiast. I have won and placed high in several MTG tournies, coupled with a high world-ranking. So while you might disagree with me, I am very familiar with pvp,and how it works best. :)

Aug 28, 2010
joujou11cool wrote:
darthjt wrote:
To make everyone happy and keep PvP players from complaining. I suggest making this spell a 1 time resurrection spell per battle. So, it can only be used once per battle per person. That would effectively stop all the complaints that this spell is too overpowered.

But then again, Sacrifice would kind of have to be changed too...


I have read your comparisons, but I don't totally agree with them.
Yes, I see the parallel between the two, but a 250 hit for 700 heal, has no real comparison to a 1000 heal, after defeat, imo. Plus, if you look at the heal of most Life Wizards, it's close to 100%, so they rebound to 2000.

A typical death on the other hand, as to be alive to cast his spell, and may be 1000 heal with Boost. Satyr can do a much better heal. Yes, Sacrifice can kill a wizard, but it's the Wizard doing the killing. He loses all of his pips when he does this, plus any blade he has on. No death wizard normally wants to do this, it's only a last resort. On the other hand, Guardian Spirit is already being abused, to a max degree.


I disagree with you flat out, the spell may be fine for anyone in the uppper range (1200 ande above) that is a true gamer. For the other 99%, it's a big problem, and the game should not revolve around 1% of the players. This one spell is extending the time a match goes, so much, that it has really hurt the game.

I loggen on last night at my usually time, and I get a listing of 5 pvp matches total going on. Not 200 like I expected, and most were lower level. That sends a pretty strong message to me, we have a problem.

That may mean nothing to someone who lives and breathes this, like you, but the game has to (has too) take in to consideration the other 99%, we are what keeps the game going for people like you.


Mar 18, 2009
joujou11cool wrote:
darthjt wrote:
To make everyone happy and keep PvP players from complaining. I suggest making this spell a 1 time resurrection spell per battle. So, it can only be used once per battle per person. That would effectively stop all the complaints that this spell is too overpowered.

But then again, Sacrifice would kind of have to be changed too...


Sacrifice is a healing spell, not a rez spell. It makes no sense to change Sacrifice to a one time heal (because then Satyr, Fairy, and other single target heal spells would have to be changed too). It is already of little use to be cast more than once already, unless your Death is configured to be the healer for others in the group.

Dec 14, 2009
Lion359 wrote:

I disagree with you flat out, the spell may be fine for anyone in the uppper range (1200 ande above) that is a true gamer. Joe.

I think you underestimate yourself,and your fellow gamers. With little effort,I have found 7 easy solutions to counter this spell,and I'm sure there are more. I only see the novice/younger players having any difficulty with this spell,and its no greater to overcome then any of the other spells that have been decried as unfair. Wouldn't it be wiser to fix the real problem,which is how pvp itself is setup,rather than going through this tired process of "nerfing" spells every time someone has difficulty?Lets also not look past what happens if we continue on the "nerfing" trend. The game becomes too easy,players get bored,and the players leave for greener pastures. Every mmorpg that has fallen prey to this is now paying the price;it would be a shame to add KI's wonderful game to those failures.

Feb 25, 2009
Nerfing and banning spells from PvP is just plain rediculous. This is just why I quit pvp a long time ago.

In my opinion, HONESTLY, PvP is a way to hone your skills and prepare your decks to the best advantage for PvE.

Everytime a spell gets nerfed for PvP, it becomes LESS effective in PvE.

Unfortunately, too many players don't see it that way. If they get beaten, it is always because the spells the winner has are OP. Every school has their advantages and dis-advantages. LEARN TO WORK WITH IT.

Feb 25, 2009
Unfortunately, it appears as if this spell is going to get NERFED anyway.

When will this end? Why can't players learn to use their spells without wanting them nerfed for PvP.

What is the point? Eventually everyone is going to come up against these spells being used by a boss. Many bosses have more pips to begin a battle than the wizards, and will use this spell on first cast. As soon as they die, they will resurrect and the chances of wizard surviving are going to be reduced considerably unless that wizard also has the spell in place. This could make for some extremely long battles in PvE as well.

Frankly, I am beginning to wish this spell had never been created.

Aug 28, 2010
Anyone that complains on what KI is doing, shouldn't it's a very fair change.
25% down to 15%, still gives a great edge to my Life, and I have no complaints. It's a great spell even at 15%, and with my 82% boost (which equates to 100%), how can anyone be upset.

I was much more upset when they nerfed my Storm. After reading all the Complaints, and knowing what I could do in PvP, I understood.

Any life can read the numbers posted and know the Spell was not fair.
Even now it's really not all the fair, but it's reasonable.
I liked Darthjt's idea much better than what KI is doing, but they may see the game much better than I.

Anyway, as far as I'm concern, this puts the pvp game back in Balance.


Jun 02, 2010
Here is how I feel about this:
I feel that players should be allowed to customize their matches, but not changing the entire spell. It is allowed in custom PvP and maybe PvE, but lots of people disagree that this should be changed.

Aug 01, 2009
joujou11cool wrote:
darthjt wrote:
To make everyone happy and keep PvP players from complaining. I suggest making this spell a 1 time resurrection spell per battle. So, it can only be used once per battle per person. That would effectively stop all the complaints that this spell is too overpowered.

But then again, Sacrifice would kind of have to be changed too...

AGAIN WHAT?? Sacrafice has been a spell way longer than you've been playing this game.. Sacrafice is not just a healing spell it does a lot more for death wizards than "heal". Not to mention every school uses this spell now too along with infection because it's a treasure card. Guardian sprite does not come in Treasure Card form. Sacrafice also takes health from the caster, guardian sprite doesn't hurt the caster at all.. I see No similarity in these 2 spells at all, and am completely amazed that someone who is claiming to have "many" warlord characters just doesn't "get it".

Aug 01, 2009
Ohh, and darthjt- RIGHT ON!! You are the voice of reason once again, and this would totally be fair AND reasonable :) XD nice job.

May 10, 2010
Lion359 wrote:
Anyone that complains on what KI is doing, shouldn't it's a very fair change.
25% down to 15%, still gives a great edge to my Life, and I have no complaints. It's a great spell even at 15%, and with my 82% boost (which equates to 100%), how can anyone be upset.

I was much more upset when they nerfed my Storm. After reading all the Complaints, and knowing what I could do in PvP, I understood.

Any life can read the numbers posted and know the Spell was not fair.
Even now it's really not all the fair, but it's reasonable.
I liked Darthjt's idea much better than what KI is doing, but they may see the game much better than I.

Anyway, as far as I'm concern, this puts the pvp game back in Balance.


Balance in PvP?

Did you not state that the order of PvP is:
Fire, Myth, Life, Ice, Storm, Death, and Balance?

So, changing this spell makes it balanced again?
Fire, Myth, Ice, Storm, Life, Death, and Balance?

Should we not then nerf Fire, Myth, and Ice to create more balance?

Since those 3 are usually at the top of the leaderboards, those schools need the most nerfing, would that not be a true statement?

Jan 24, 2010
goldendragon18 wrote:
Nerfing and banning spells from PvP is just plain rediculous. This is just why I quit pvp a long time ago.

In my opinion, HONESTLY, PvP is a way to hone your skills and prepare your decks to the best advantage for PvE.

Everytime a spell gets nerfed for PvP, it becomes LESS effective in PvE.

Unfortunately, too many players don't see it that way. If they get beaten, it is always because the spells the winner has are OP. Every school has their advantages and dis-advantages. LEARN TO WORK WITH IT.

KI will pretty much prove how much they value the PvE community by how they respond to this problem. It will be very interesting to see where their business sense finds the most profitable resource. If KI is smart, they will find a way to separate the two activities, so that PvP does not control PvE.

I do hope that KI remembers the game is primarily a FAMILY GAME. My family (of 4 accounts and 4 humans) does not PvP. We quest, decorate houses, train pets, grow gardens, and craft.

LOL, the only reason I would PvP is if my eldest son needs to challenge me IRL, and we take it to a private arena, at a house for which we paid real money...

Anyway, I'm highly interested to see what happens as a result of this prolonged discussion about Guardian Spirit.

See ya in the Spiral!

Qbb/Iridian Shadowweaver