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This Quest is literaly uncompleteable.

Jan 15, 2009
So you know when you get your first free ride to Grizelheim? well, you get the quest "Trade Voyage" and... well. i didn't finish the quest. And now im level 31 and i can't finish the quest because the NPCs wont talk to me about the quest anymore. its pretty anoying how its just taking up space in my quests. anyone know how to get ride of it?

While you are on Baldur Goldpaw's assignment, you can use the boat behind him to travel to Grizzleheim.

There are two versions of the starting area of Grizzleheim. The one that you enter while you are on the quest Trade Voyage requires that you use the boat to travel there.

Once you have completed Trade Voyage and received the Spiral Key to that world, you no longer need to use the boat.

Jan 15, 2009
Grizzlehiem is starting to get my aggitated. While doing the quest "The Eye Has it" you mission is to defeat Gunnar Quickaxe. well i was doing that and ran out of mana and fled. when i returned he wont fight me! Now the main quest line for Grizzlehiem is once again, uncompleteable due to a bug.
How can i fix this?

Oct 24, 2010
ear462 wrote:
Grizzlehiem is starting to get my aggitated. While doing the quest "The Eye Has it" you mission is to defeat Gunnar Quickaxe. well i was doing that and ran out of mana and fled. when i returned he wont fight me! Now the main quest line for Grizzlehiem is once again, uncompleteable due to a bug.
How can i fix this?

I would report this to support, with as much detail as you can, including your character name so they can investigate. It may take a day or so before they get back to you, but they are great with this kind of thing. :)