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New wand

May 31, 2009
I bought the new wand in crown shop that gives good accuracy and pips. I have steady fizzed. Still fizz so its not working.
I played my level seventy storm in a solo fight today and he got killed. Because he fizzed to much. I have been playing a game that is different than wizards 101. It is a very enjoyable game and i really like it. So this may be my last posting in this game.
I have played wizards for many years but there always seems to be no comfortable point with your wizard. Like when I made Grandmaster at level 50 I didnt fizz at the rate I am fizzing at 70. The pips can be 107 percent yet i seem to get white pips.
In this solo fight I told myself if my storm got killed this would be my last trip to wizards. It very well may be. For three hits he fizzed and could have won the fight. this is enough to make me wonder how much he will fizz at 75 level and higher even though his accuracy is high.
Game it has been fun, I will be In Algard with my Warrior fighting the eylos.
For those playing the game they know what i mean. I once loved Wizards but it has become more and more dissapointing every time I come here to play. The numbers mean nothing because I have watched fizz at high accuracy and white pips at high percentage.
To new players my suggestion is dont go beyone level 5o, delete and start a new wizard to play the game. The better clothes, well they not so much better. The crown pets i could not get a decent hatch from any.
In all take the game for face Value, its here for only one thing.

Aug 10, 2011
Uh..... Your gonna quit for fizzling?

Um, its not the wand, it Fizzled..... Because it did.

Why not try again?

Jul 03, 2010
I too have noticed the fizzle rate has been upped a bit on all my wizards no matter where in the game they are but happened a while back for me. I believe the game has gotten out of my league so to speak or maybe just not what I joined in the beginning for.

I looked to Wizards for casual game play sort of stress free, that does end in DragonSpry for me so taking a wizard to level 50 is ideal and I have been deleting even lower level ones where I don't want to repeat certain areas.

I joined with my grandkids who have long since tired of the competitiveness needed to continue in the game, deck set up, gear and so on and I stayed as they moved on to other games. During that time I also lost all the "from the beginning of game" friends accept for a few and really never got those type of friends back. I did/do solo much of the game and with future worlds we are left out over multi play only battles.

Feb 07, 2011
Darkblood1 wrote:
I bought the new wand in crown shop that gives good accuracy and pips. I have steady fizzed. Still fizz so its not working.

I'm assuming you mean the Sidhe Staff (since I bought one for my level 48 Storm wiz to use, when she hits level 70). If I'm wrong, please correct me.

Darkblood1 wrote:
I played my level seventy storm in a solo fight today and he got killed. Because he fizzed to much. I have been playing a game that is different than wizards 101. It is a very enjoyable game and i really like it. So this may be my last posting in this game.

So, let me get this straight~ you're a Storm wiz, and you want to quit because you fizzled? Right... your low base-accuracy (70%) is in place because Storm can easily outhit the other schools. KI had to balance it out somehow, or else we'd be very overpowered.

The +13% accuracy from your Sidhe Staff is nice, but (without gear boosts) still only puts your accuracy at 83%... Unless it's 100% across the board, you /will/ fizzle.

Darkblood1 wrote:
I have played wizards for many years but there always seems to be no comfortable point with your wizard. Like when I made Grandmaster at level 50 I didnt fizz at the rate I am fizzing at 70. The pips can be 107 percent yet i seem to get white pips.

I suggest you double-check your math/stats, because you wouldn't be getting white pips if your power-pip chance was over 100%. My Balance wiz has a 99% power pip chance, and she rarely, if ever, sees any white ones.

Darkblood1 wrote:
In this solo fight I told myself if my storm got killed this would be my last trip to wizards. It very well may be. For three hits he fizzed and could have won the fight. this is enough to make me wonder how much he will fizz at 75 level and higher even though his accuracy is high.

Again, that's an awfully-silly reason to quit. Where there's a wizard, (especially a Storm wiz). there will be fizzles... It's always disappointing to lose a fight like that, but you do have options:

1. Call a friend for backup;
2. if one isn't available, buy a henchman to help you out.

If the game starts to frustrate you and is no longer fun, take a break. I once left for 2 months, because I'm a casual/inexperienced gamer and playing was causing me a lot of stress. But I came back and kept going, and I don't see myself leaving again.

If you have space/time, go work on a lower-level character. My main account has a full house (6 wizards, various levels), and I often switch characters when I get bored or frustrated with one (or, in the case of my Balance wiz, the character is maxed out and no longer gains XP).

Darkblood1 wrote:
Game it has been fun, I will be In Algard with my Warrior fighting the eylos.

I hope you don't seriously leave, for something so trivial.. Yes, it's annoying, but learn to live with it and love the other things about your school. If Storm isn't for you, big deal~ make another wizard that does suit your play-style.

Darkblood1 wrote:
For those playing the game they know what i mean. I once loved Wizards but it has become more and more dissapointing every time I come here to play. The numbers mean nothing because I have watched fizz at high accuracy and white pips at high percentage.

Actually, no~ I don't know what you mean, since I've had virtually no problems with my stats. I'd really like to know what gear you're wearing, so we can help you find something better.

Darkblood1 wrote:
To new players my suggestion is dont go beyone level 5o, delete and start a new wizard to play the game. The better clothes, well they not so much better. The crown pets i could not get a decent hatch from any.

I disagree. So far, 2 of my wizards (a Balance archmage and Death grandmaster) are over level 50; My Storm wiz [48] is on her way there as well, and I have 3 others after that... plus 4 side accounts. I'm going to make an entire family of archmages, and we will be the best family of archmages ever!

/shameless plug for the El Veeb army.

As for the Crowns pets, did you check if there was a hybrid available? If not, then that's your fault~ you should have done your research. The w101 Wiki page is great, for that sort of thing.

Darkblood1 wrote:
In all take the game for face Value, its here for only one thing.

Yes, KI is a business and needs to make money, but they are only in business because they continue to give us players a good time. If every, single player had your mindset, there would be no players left, and that's just sad.

Happy travels,

Laura Shadowsong, Balance/80
Val Deathwhisper, Death/56
Sestiva Stormblade, Storm/48
Tavia Summershield, Life/31
Patrick Dreamstalker, Myth/21
Tara Winterbloom, Ice/18
Angela Nightflame, Fire/14

& the rest of the El Veeb army. :)

Jun 08, 2009
Darkblood1 wrote:
I bought the new wand in crown shop that gives good accuracy and pips. I have steady fizzed. Still fizz so its not working.
I played my level seventy storm in a solo fight today and he got killed. Because he fizzed to much. I have been playing a game that is different than wizards 101. It is a very enjoyable game and i really like it. So this may be my last posting in this game.
I have played wizards for many years but there always seems to be no comfortable point with your wizard. Like when I made Grandmaster at level 50 I didnt fizz at the rate I am fizzing at 70. The pips can be 107 percent yet i seem to get white pips.
In this solo fight I told myself if my storm got killed this would be my last trip to wizards. It very well may be. For three hits he fizzed and could have won the fight. this is enough to make me wonder how much he will fizz at 75 level and higher even though his accuracy is high.
Game it has been fun, I will be In Algard with my Warrior fighting the eylos.
For those playing the game they know what i mean. I once loved Wizards but it has become more and more dissapointing every time I come here to play. The numbers mean nothing because I have watched fizz at high accuracy and white pips at high percentage.
To new players my suggestion is dont go beyone level 5o, delete and start a new wizard to play the game. The better clothes, well they not so much better. The crown pets i could not get a decent hatch from any.
In all take the game for face Value, its here for only one thing.

You do realize a chance of missing the target is pretty much a part of every game, right? Wizard101 just makes it more visible. Trust me, fizzling gets BETTER after level 50. If you want to quit for fizzling, fine. But your making a mistake.