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Death in Avalon :-)

May 31, 2011
While playing last night, your typical arrogant Storm wizard remarked to me, that Death will have a hard time in the new world and laughed at me. So far, I've plowed through every boss and dungeon on the first try and left at full health. IMO, Life, Fire and Storm will be the ones struggling there from what I've encountered so far. Since you guys are so wonderful(Storm), don't look to me to heal you, when you're getting thumped as usual. I enjoy watching guys twist in the wind, while I leave a battle at full health.

Sep 18, 2009
Now, now, not all storm wizzies are arrogant. I have a level 70 in every school and I try to help wherever I can, no matter what school I am currently playing. If someone needs help with a quest I have already done, I will even do a group attack just to draw fire away from them while they get their cards set-up. Doesn't matter if I die if it isn't my quest. I do agree that there are some players who are a bit consumed with their self-perceived greatness and a larger than normal percentage of them seem to be storm, but we aren't all bad. :)

Sep 12, 2009
Yea, Death is pretty powerful. Sometimes I wish I chosen Death but its to late now. I am level 64, fire.

Jul 15, 2010
Well in your opinion Im life I'm having no problems with avalon whatsoever , Its all on how you work your stats.

David LifeMender
lvl 77 theurgist

May 01, 2011
Ummmm... it isnt just storm wizards. There are normally just some arrogant players and its fine because its not all off us. Like i had someone throw a temper tantrum at me because i joined there battle in the undersea world, which name escapes me. I havent done Avalon yet but i can assure you that it isnt all of us, and you sound a little cocky yourself. Just saying, no offense. :?

Jan 18, 2010
Lordaria wrote:
While playing last night, your typical arrogant Storm wizard remarked to me, that Death will have a hard time in the new world and laughed at me. So far, I've plowed through every boss and dungeon on the first try and left at full health. IMO, Life, Fire and Storm will be the ones struggling there from what I've encountered so far. Since you guys are so wonderful(Storm), don't look to me to heal you, when you're getting thumped as usual. I enjoy watching guys twist in the wind, while I leave a battle at full health.

Life struggling? lol life has a beast new spell they will not die.

Jul 25, 2010
Lordaria wrote:
While playing last night, your typical arrogant Storm wizard remarked to me, that Death will have a hard time in the new world and laughed at me. So far, I've plowed through every boss and dungeon on the first try and left at full health. IMO, Life, Fire and Storm will be the ones struggling there from what I've encountered so far. Since you guys are so wonderful(Storm), don't look to me to heal you, when you're getting thumped as usual. I enjoy watching guys twist in the wind, while I leave a battle at full health.
Everyone will have mass prism so everything is easy, plus storm has healing current so they don't need your help.

Oct 05, 2010
Really it doesn't matter if you leave a battle at full health, you just have to catch a few orbs and as a life I'm having no problem in avalon cause of my wonderful infallible.

Feb 03, 2012
Hey now please don't judge all storms by the way that some storms treat others, these people aren't even real storms in my eyes. With the new healing current spell i've always helped others to survive in battle, this spell makes me think of storm starting to share their compassion to others :(.

Jun 23, 2011
Lordaria wrote:
While playing last night, your typical arrogant Storm wizard remarked to me, that Death will have a hard time in the new world and laughed at me. So far, I've plowed through every boss and dungeon on the first try and left at full health. IMO, Life, Fire and Storm will be the ones struggling there from what I've encountered so far. Since you guys are so wonderful(Storm), don't look to me to heal you, when you're getting thumped as usual. I enjoy watching guys twist in the wind, while I leave a battle at full health.

Just because 'your typical arrogant Storm wizard' gave you and remark, doesn't mean you have to say us life and fire will get 'thumped as usual'.

My brother, Quinn Rubyleaf, has the efreet that's 'unstoppable' to him and his cool fire dragon that hit really pretty well. 8)

Now, I am life. We DO NOT get thumped, we play our gnomes and forest lords and kill some enemies in like, three minutes if you're not having trouble with your spells hiding. AND we can heal us and our teammates so you have to start ALL OVER AGAIN.

Now storm. My mother is storm, level 64 with leviathan and storm lord and triton. She kicks people where it hurts. She helps. She fights. She heals. She kills. And she is nice. So whoa, whoa, whoa mister.

See what you have to say to that. I think you'll be 'twisting in the wind' instead. 8)

Dec 14, 2009
Mar 27, 2010
I think you went a little too far. I'm a fire wizard and so far I didn't have any problems with any bosses in Avalon including fire bosses. Also death isn't the best school all schools are equal with special abilities.

Sep 30, 2009
first of all you only leave battles at full health becuase you are death and you steal health so that title really means nothing. second of all you said all dungeons and just let me tell you there are 2 big dungeons in avalon and there is no way you did the first one alone the way it throws mammoths aronnd like a crazy rich person. third of all i am fire and i solo everything if theres no one around. i do prefer other people helping because its faster and more effective then soloing but regaurdless i can solo just as fine if not better then you can solo

Nov 27, 2010
Lordaria wrote:
While playing last night, your typical arrogant Storm wizard remarked to me, that Death will have a hard time in the new world and laughed at me. So far, I've plowed through every boss and dungeon on the first try and left at full health. IMO, Life, Fire and Storm will be the ones struggling there from what I've encountered so far. Since you guys are so wonderful(Storm), don't look to me to heal you, when you're getting thumped as usual. I enjoy watching guys twist in the wind, while I leave a battle at full health.

No wonder he was arrogant to you. You call us Diviner's arrogant and insult tem on the forums, of course they will be arrogant. I have a Necromancer and Diviner and I am finding Diviner much easier. Stop ruining the game for us.

Apr 05, 2011
Hinote1999 wrote:
Yea, Death is pretty powerful. Sometimes I wish I chosen Death but its to late now. I am level 64, fire.
i find death to be fun :) but hey, you're a higher level than me...don't forget that you can always create up to 6 wizards :D

Nov 08, 2009
I found with help from my son, his storm dies alot. They like to target him alot. He is 83% storm power and 96% can hit. I always have my balance as 1st. I see the computer wants him out alot. Its really fun to see with his hits, boss is close to being dead. We never use treasure cards. The only place stoping us is jabber. I agree death that dead can hang on really well. Playing alone, my death is easier to run then my balance. I have to say 2v2 thing, my balance is the star there. Players have to see what works for them.

Sep 30, 2009
before people start going on a rant of how dath is the uber school and every other school is lame let me say something that will make sense to all. it not only depends on your playing style but it also depends on your situation and how you can handle it. for instance storm is the anti boss school so they are awesome there. fire is really good at there all hit moves so i guess you could say there crowd controll and plus the over time gives you the time needed to heal down teamates. death is good at hitting enemies then replenishing there own hp thus making them very good at being able to focus on one enemy at a time. life can heal and attack and heal but is very good in a group as well. in fact life is a key element in any team no matter what combanation. ice i am not really sure but i will say they are the heavy support school. they can attack and hurt a really good amount of damage and shield others with its shield spells. myth i have no idea but apparently they can hold there own because i see plenty of myth students in avalon. balance is kinda the other heavy support school. they can blade everyone and trap everyone and do all sorts of nifty stuff. i hope i dont offend any balance wizards but it seems balance works best in groups(just my opinion on balance). so there you have it and thats why there is no best schools only best schools for different situations

Sep 30, 2009
Feb 19, 2012
Yea, I am with you on that but I have a level 46 now but I want to switch my school to either Storm or Myth but too late. I wish there was something you could do with crowns to switch your school at least. :?

Sep 08, 2008
To some support to our OP, I share this story.

Me and my friend went to fight Oyotomi the Defiler. Some snot of a storm wizard wanna-be entered our fight and remarked on how there were nothing but noobs in the ring with it (the storm snot).

Well, it (the storm snot) fired off a successful critical Wild bolt (hit for 1,000 damage that went critical) for 4,500 some damage.

I did not tell that arrogant Storm snot that my storm boost on my Storm wizard was even higher than the storm snot's boost and would have outdamaged his pathetic little damage by a landslide. Because I refused to sink down to his level. (I was playing my fire wizard.)

Point is. Most snots I met seemed to be of the Storm school. What do I do with snots? I fling them onto the ground and grind them out of existence and out of my mind with my boot, and simply refuse to acknowledge their existence.

Sep 30, 2009
Shiningfantasia wrote:
To some support to our OP, I share this story.

Me and my friend went to fight Oyotomi the Defiler. Some snot of a storm wizard wanna-be entered our fight and remarked on how there were nothing but noobs in the ring with it (the storm snot).

Well, it (the storm snot) fired off a successful critical Wild bolt (hit for 1,000 damage that went critical) for 4,500 some damage.

I did not tell that arrogant Storm snot that my storm boost on my Storm wizard was even higher than the storm snot's boost and would have outdamaged his pathetic little damage by a landslide. Because I refused to sink down to his level. (I was playing my fire wizard.)

Point is. Most snots I met seemed to be of the Storm school. What do I do with snots? I fling them onto the ground and grind them out of existence and out of my mind with my boot, and simply refuse to acknowledge their existence.
a little harsh lol glad i am not one of those people

Feb 29, 2012
Gah! A storm wizard like that shouldn't be a storm wizard at all.

I try to help when and where I can, even if I get whooped pretty badly. That sucked, since it appears that I was the only one with the Satyr card permanantly in my deck. *Yes, I do have it. On me it heals exactly 953 in case you thought I was ling.* I ended up having to teleport back to someone.*Let me just say, that Ice Spell with the rider is REALLY annoying. *

Jul 27, 2009
It is really hard to be ice in there if you dont have the water works gear like me

John AshForge
Level 73 Ice

Feb 03, 2012
Well storm hasn't had all the glory has it, everyone complains on our "overpowered" spells that are supposed to be overpowered! Like you've never insulted a storm before no wonder so many of them are arrogant. If we all just learn to like each other this game would be so much more peaceful, agreed? :)

Sep 30, 2009