I think you need to have a system in place that if a practice duel such as 4v4 or 3v3 is set up by someone and it does not happen say within 20 minutes that the duel is deleted and the player will have to set it all up again. It starting to get really old to look through over 100 listed duels. Some players set them up for friends but only one or two of them show up on their side.
I have even seen a duel that was set up and the player was not even logged on the game anymore but it show that they were still there waiting to duel (4v4).
Recommend that if ANY practice duel does not happen within say 20 minutes it gets deleted. Thus this would probably reduce the HUGE list of duels that players have to look through to find a duel to join.
I think you need to have a system in place that if a practice duel such as 4v4 or 3v3 is set up by someone and it does not happen say within 20 minutes that the duel is deleted and the player will have to set it all up again. It starting to get really old to look through over 100 listed duels. Some players set them up for friends but only one or two of them show up on their side.
I have even seen a duel that was set up and the player was not even logged on the game anymore but it show that they were still there waiting to duel (4v4).
Recommend that if ANY practice duel does not happen within say 20 minutes it gets deleted. Thus this would probably reduce the HUGE list of duels that players have to look through to find a duel to join.
I definitely agree WarlockWiz, the lists are getting to be too long and when ever I go to load the lists it is slow. I usually open up the lists then when I go to scroll I have to wait a little to load it. Then the next page ... wait ... next page ... ect. You get the idea. I also believe that some people are logged out but are still in the list. The longest I have seen a line is about 110-120 people for a 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4.
Definitely this is an annoyance. Maybe sort the matches so the older ones are at the end instead of at the beginning, or put the ones which are almost full at the front of the list or something.
What I have observed is that most of the practice duels are set up for friends only to join, even for the opponent. I rarely duel with my friends and it is difficult to find duels to join. I have seen so many 4v4 duel set ups where there is only one wizard in the list and only friends can join on either side. If all these wizards that set up duels this way got together, they wouldn't be waiting and they'd be dueling right away. So frustrating.
Wizards, please stop making duels where only friends can join!