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Having trouble with krokotopia?

Jul 11, 2011
If you have trouble with krokotopia, I could help.
First of all, you have to finish the storyline quests. I recommend to not get the side quests unless you need to. I don't recommend the side quests because they waste your time into finishing krokotopia and then you will get mixed up of what quest is an side quest. Also it is because that sometimes you don't finish what you need to do and you end up getting an whole list of side quests that you need to do.
Second of all, you have to have an friend or henchmen to aid you and fight with you in combat. Its helpful to have somebody with you because what if there is a hard dungeon that you just cant defeat yourself? If you want one and you have no one to ask, don't stand around there in the commons asking like someone homeless, be smart. You have to be active and happy around people. Then, they will start thinking like you are an good person and they will start to ask you to be yur friend. Say yes and then ask them in private to help them for a while. That way, you could have someone happily helping you instead of an busy person unhappily helping you (or saying no to your requests.
Now you did that, its time for action. Start doing your main quests and zip off there to Marleybone!
P.S If you still cant get to Marleybone, contact an Wizard101 person, they could help you with the problem, then you could get to Marleybone. :-)