Hi. I have Creeper pedigree 76. Talents are vengence and spell proof. I have life bat pedigree 81. Talents are pain giver and spritely. I have magma colossus pedigree 70. Talents are pierce train and weakness. Rain beetle pedigree 60. Talents are selfish. Polar cat pedigree 67. Talents are health gift and mana gift. Ice hound pedigree 63. Talents are mana gift,spritely,and snow shield. Tundra warden pedigree 60. Talents are death trap and death shield. Ice wyvern pedigree 59. Talents are mana gift and spritely. I recently got fire beetle. In the process of training it. Pedigree 71. Pets I'm looking for are zombie pet,gob-o-lantern,spider golem,pale maiden,silver colossus,dark crow,carnation pixie,stormbird,and skeletal warrior. Chris Star Stone level 70 thaumaturge.
Hey, I've got a zombie pet, gob-o-lantern, pale maiden, dark crow, carnation and skeletal warrior lol also have tons mroe pets ill gladly help if your still looking. :)