Every school has something special about it, well what are your favorite things about a particular school?
Mine are:
Balance - All of the certain blades and traps. Storm - The high attack, of course. Life - the healing spells, mostly to all friends. Fire - How it's the same at everything, and the attacks to all enemies. Ice - The defense. Death - Draining the life out of your enemies, the attack and health combos. Myth - The interesting mixed spells. Like Earthquake.
Balance - evened out stats; no benefits or drawbacks Storm - high damage Life - healing Fire - DOT spells Ice - resistance and minion Death - draining and animate Myth - shatter
Balance: Judge, and not having to worry about prisms. Myth: Earthquake, and nixing people's strategies in one go. Storm: High damage. Ice: High health, the ability to train Tower for free. Life: Sustainability/high accuracy/they wear green. Fire: DoT spells. Death: Drains... and Malistaire. /shameless fan-girl-ing.
I LOVE storm. For the mere fact that I can do a potential of 1,970 damage for 2 pips (single power pip) with a Wild Bolt. And for 2 pips or a mere power pip, I can do a guarrenteed hit of 1,000 damage with a Gargantuan Lightning bats. That is insane. A gargantuan Thunder snake would do a hit of about 600 damage.
The damage factor of Storm is simply insane, and I LOVE that. And, my storm wizard cannot fizzle, since my accuracy for storm is 100%+. Overpowered in my opinion. As another wizard, I'd be ranting on that, but since I love and play Storm so much myself, I am quite content.
I used to love Myth over all else. But ... with such ramped up difficulty starting at Celestia+ keeping minions has simply become too impractical to do. Which, in my opinion, completely destroys the fun factor of my Myth wizard.
Balance- all those blades and traps Storm- super damage, also some epic spell animations Fire- all the AoEs Ice- tower shield. Life- awesome heals Death- feint. Myth- cyrus drake. that is all.
Balance - Blades and Traps Storm - High Damage Rate Life - Healing; not much else. (Not enough actual damage spells IMO) Fire -DoT spells and high damage rate Ice - Loads of life, tower shields and Professor Greyrose Death - Low fizzle rate, health draining spells and Dworgyn Myth - Cyrus Drake, two-part damage spells (very handy when there's a shield cast) and Cyrus Drake :D
Fire-DOTs Ice-Frost Giant, Wooly Mammoth, resist Storm-Low health, Damage, triton Myth- Medusa, Basilisk, Earthquake Life-Heals, Heals Death-Drains, Dr. Von's Monster Balance-Chimera only thing i love about balance, which makes balance epic, only chimera
At the moment, I have 2 schools tied for the favorite.
Balance for the lack of defense against it, and the immense proficiency of all the schools; elemental, spiritual, healing, etc.
And Life school. For the incredibly powerful healing spells. I have already selected equipment for my future Life wizard to wear, and it will be incredible once I can actually wear it.
I love both Fire and Life. But really, I enjoy all schools I love fire the most because I am a fire wizard, and because the spells give me a happy feel to me. I like life because it heals people! Who doesn't like healing? I like both of them together because it has attack and healing both.