I love avalon, and i think the gear is pretty cool but, the decks are bad. I think we need to make decks bigger, all these new spells are just too much for me to put it all in. Like a deck with 72 spells max and a arrow you'd click on to go to that second page of the deck. 64 is way too small by now, i really wanna fit these new awesome myth spells in. W101, please advance larger decks.
Another thing I would like in the decks is possibly power pips with the decks? That would be a great way to (introduce) extra pips for Higher wizards. Cant be lvl 80 with Just starting with 2 pips eh? :)
I have submitted this idea twice on test realm, I strongly agree on increasing deck size. With all of these new spells and potential new spells, our deck is getting quite small! Now here is my idea on how to increase the deck size. We add an up and down scroll bar! This is not my original idea, somebody else coined this long ago. We can test this on the testrealm!