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About Storm school

May 07, 2011
mainciye wrote:
I have couple questions;
-why storm school have, lot more hit point gears then all other schools
-why storm school have, lot of strong multiple hit spells then other schools
-why storm school, so special on kingsisle, what is it????
why, why, why storm unfair powerful then all other schools????

Tempest, Storm Lord, Siren. those 3 spells already have high hit then other schools without adding anything.

I play Myth and Life and I like to try all other schools too, except STORM SCHOOL. Why not Storm? because it is unfair strong. Nooo way!

-Some player says storm has low health. but they don't say they hit too powerful 2500 health they call low.

-Well if storm can critical hit 3200 with 2 power pip, i call this no fair and there is only one charm(blade). to get that number on other school we have to get couple charm(blade) and trap.

-I have only one friend with storm school, because i know person longer but i don't play much with him, mostly we do chat with other friends. without him there is no storm school player in my friends list. if i see them i don't help either. because they don't let me enjoy on this game. third round all enemy dead. :S just for that reason not need any storm partner on battle.

-I see most people have storm polymorph for only using tempest. I don't see they use any different spells because tempest is good enough to kill enemy with couple power pip.(on polymorph users not storm school users)

-If there is possible to do something, I like to say make storm school maximum health 1000 so they can learn to use some shield. Or lower their powerful hit gears, just little bit stronger then fire.

-what I believe, that tempest must be totally erase from storm school and erase from storm polymorph.

I just want to play little bit longer wizard101 with fun.

OK, ready?

-Storm has the lowest maximum Health in the game.
-Storm has the lowest base accuracy in the game.
-Storm has the highest damage in the game

Because they have the lowest accuracy and health, they can die quickly. As such, A Storm MUST hit fast, and hit HARD. That Tempest you are mad about? It can do a lot, a LOT, of damage...........if you can wait that long to use it. Don't nerf Storm any more than it already is.

-Alex DuskGlade, Level 54 Thaumaturge.

Oct 29, 2011
i totally disagree just look at my stats as pyromancer 3300 health,60 damage 130 critical,122 block for all school,29 resist for all schools,72 power pip percent,15%healing,and done waterworks fourth times in one day

tell me now can storm have 122 block, in all schools 29 resist,3300 health and all that

so each school is built for it's own purpose,
balance-amazing in teamwork and has a bit of everything

fire-if you have the right gear and stuff and deck even it has quite a lot of everything,but hugely lacks in things to do for teamwork unless you plan things out in battles

storm-can finish battles really fast and they can die really fast,in storm their health is really low and block and resist,they need 91 damage 180 critical and all to finish battles fast for them in first round against bosses in high levels their health goes to about 300-600 and sometimes way low,sometimes death in first hit i actually think storm needs a bir more health so dont think it is overpowered and plus storm attack power has gone a bit low with sirens 990 compared with these chimera 1040,volcano(lol i call it that cause it's name is too long)1100 to all and dot,basilisk about 1200 and dot,death katz monster 850 and swap,life 990 life and dispels,and ice 990 ice and stun,
now say storm is overpowered

and now for life-high health and awesome heals compensate for attack but now in this condition ki they really need an aoe spell

k myth-an okay attack damage is also good awesome minions just ok accuracy lacks on aoe spells(all enemy spells)which is a big problem myth too really needs an all enemy spell

death and here too they need a real good all enemy spell or aoe spell,this school speciality is drains and weakness low attack and aoe spells

and last but not least ice-these days they are thinking ice is overpowered cause of resist but no if you want high resist there are a lot of sacrifices to be mad like-critical,rarely block,damage,power pips,accuracy,healing boost and a lot more so if you look at it in the right way storm is not the best school i could say this is the order

from best to least best

and last

these days storm is losing power so it is just the opposite of overpowered it is underpowered so plz stop complaining about storm overpower

by anthony mistblade-arch,age level 80 pyromancer,hero of avalon and the proud owner of an efreet.

stop complaining about the past and your problems look towards your target and it alone then you will suceed

Apr 24, 2009
safyrmoon wrote:
Stock up on those storm shields and the hits you get are nothing and you can really take advantage of those fizzles...

Ahem, He has 10 pips. I have a 37% resist. I was pvp-ing, I cast a shield. He does that one Wildbolt spell. Does about 200 damage (yes, with shield) Has 8 pips left (4 power pips) Kills me with levy. Statement destroyed. Accuracy is too high for storm. Damage is too high for storm.

Dec 20, 2008
mainciye wrote:
I have couple questions;
-why storm school have, lot more hit point gears then all other schools
-why storm school have, lot of strong multiple hit spells then other schools
-why storm school, so special on kingsisle, what is it????
why, why, why storm unfair powerful then all other schools????

Tempest, Storm Lord, Siren. those 3 spells already have high hit then other schools without adding anything.

I play Myth and Life and I like to try all other schools too, except STORM SCHOOL. Why not Storm? because it is unfair strong. Nooo way!

-Some player says storm has low health. but they don't say they hit too powerful 2500 health they call low.

-Well if storm can critical hit 3200 with 2 power pip, i call this no fair and there is only one charm(blade). to get that number on other school we have to get couple charm(blade) and trap.

-I have only one friend with storm school, because i know person longer but i don't play much with him, mostly we do chat with other friends. without him there is no storm school player in my friends list. if i see them i don't help either. because they don't let me enjoy on this game. third round all enemy dead. :S just for that reason not need any storm partner on battle.

-I see most people have storm polymorph for only using tempest. I don't see they use any different spells because tempest is good enough to kill enemy with couple power pip.(on polymorph users not storm school users)

-If there is possible to do something, I like to say make storm school maximum health 1000 so they can learn to use some shield. Or lower their powerful hit gears, just little bit stronger then fire.

-what I believe, that tempest must be totally erase from storm school and erase from storm polymorph.

I just want to play little bit longer wizard101 with fun.

i disagree bro cause tempest we need and we cant criticla 3200 with 2 pips are you crazy ive never but what you call fair health is low to us that 2500 health we have is all out cloths we need the health anyway so stopo complainign you all have more health than us. and why not help a storm what did they do to you kill you once in pvp so now ytou gonna rage about it for no reason storm isnt overpowered it needs strong spells in order to have a chance at killing enemies and geuss what buddy im lvl 71 and my max health is 1497 so atop complaing some other schools even with chealds could have tooking a storm out in 1 hit with that much health and our gear is fine life gear give enarly 630 health now so stop complaining bro cause ICE AND FIRE also have 3 AoE spells and 1 of each school is also a DoT spell WE DONT HAVE ANY OF THOSE so stop complainig

Chris Waterblade Transended Diviner

Aug 30, 2009
This is all you need to know Storm school, extremely strong offense but very weak defense, there.