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I Cant Buy No Cloths Now..?

Feb 04, 2012
My wizard cannot buy no cloths now. Therefore i cant get any health or mana.
My backpack isnt full, i fed all the cloths i dont need to my pets and still
cant seem to buy anything. I dont understand why.

Can someone help me out?

May 31, 2011
I don't know if I can help or not but I can list some possible reasons and you can check and see if they apply to you.

Are the items you want to buy allowed for the level your wizard is at? If not you cannot buy the item until you meet the minimum level requirement.

There are items that are allowed for a specific school only. If your wizards primary school does not match, you cannot buy it.

If you are trying to buy a gold item, do you have enough gold to purchase it?

If you are trying to buy a crown item, do you have enough crowns to buy it?

Jun 11, 2010
Uh... Here's all I got:
Check the amount of gold you have. You may not have enough.
Check to see if the item is for the level of wizard you have and school. Contrary to belief you should still be able to buy these items but you cannot equip them, so they are currently useless.
Um... I don't really know what you should do...

If this problem persists, then maybe a ticket so support? You want to thouroughly check that you haven't made a silly mistake though.

Feb 21, 2012