Hey! Um well I was just wondering where I get my Tricksy Gear from? So I could get some nice stuff for my myth guy. I would really appreciate if someone could tell me where. Cya in the spiral!
Hey! Um well I was just wondering where I get my Tricksy Gear from? So I could get some nice stuff for my myth guy. I would really appreciate if someone could tell me where. Cya in the spiral!
Samuel GhostHunter Grandmaster Conjurer
You can try the bazaar, but mostly likely you'll have to do Waterworks to get your level 60 gear.
Hey! Um well I was just wondering where I get my Tricksy Gear from? So I could get some nice stuff for my myth guy. I would really appreciate if someone could tell me where. Cya in the spiral!
Samuel GhostHunter Grandmaster Conjurer
You get those and other level 60 gear in the Waterworks in Crab Alley.