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An Unthought Part of the Production

Sep 22, 2008
If all schools weren't supposed to have the same cards and power levels, why'd you give them all to the CPUs? HOnestly, if ice school is the weakest (no offense) why does it get the same power as a storm card for an enemy, but not you? I find that whole concept quite annoying.
Ex. storm shark 345-405
ice shark 345-405

But ice school is weaker than the storm school so they shouldn't do the same amount of damage even for computer players!

Dec 02, 2008
Ice mobs don't have the +all resistance gear that ice wizards do, and often don't have the greatly increased health, either.

Feb 21, 2009
Well, you will be saying that now, but when you see a storm mob with three pips and it uses Storm Snowman (or whatever it's called) instead of Storm Shark, you'll be thankful that they did this.