Alright, I know a lot of people have tons of different opinions than me, but who seriously doesn't like the HYDRA?! They are absolutely BEAST (literally and metaphorically, LOL )! I know MOST of you have different opinions, please tell me.
Ian Crowrider Master Sorcerer Current Questing Zone: The Grand Chasm/Ravenscar
Dugan Dragoncaller Adept Theurgist Current Questing Zone: Hall of Champions/Savarstaad Pass
Personally I really like my Fierce Hound Zoe - she is an old pet, actually ancient but deserves to be call epic - been around since they came out with the bundle and she has met many of my future wizards being passed around, she has also been hatched a few times and one puppy got spritely at teen so she can rest more now. She has been very faithful in her duties in helping my wizards solo most of the spiral.
Other wise am also fond of a Glazier Cat I got in a hatch, he has a high pedigree and is so cute when he casts frost beetle.
It seems I tend to like pets that are more like real pets.
As for silliest pet I have, that would be Satyre, I actually had to stop using him because I couldn't stand the constant jumping around he did. The only benefit I seen in him was to annoy me.
I can't decide which of my pets are the most awesome so I'll just list some of them 1. Ice Hound 2. Forest Crawler 3. Creeper 4. Inferno Collosus 5. Tempest Hound 6. Sandman 7. Tundra Warden 8. Grove Unicorn But overall I would say that my favorite is..... CERBERUS!!
I have lots of pets but these stand out because 3 of them have been around a long time. :)
Misty, my wyvern. I'm hoping for spritely when she hits epic, in, oh a month or so. lol She's a favorite because it took me forever to solo Wintertusk to get her.
Rufus, my fierce hound. He gave me spritely as his first talent. Awww, good boy! And he's helped all my wizards at some point.
Missy, my Life Minotaur. Both life and mana boosts make her handy. And she rarely fizzles. :)
Roxie, my storm hound. Just cause she's cool.
And Jasmine my midnight sprite. It took over a year for me to get one in the drop from Nightshade, and she has given me two real talents out of the four available. she's not quite to epic level yet.
I have a lot of pets including Frogs Rat magicians a Skeleton pirate A Wildclaw Piggles Golems Cat thugs a Krok a Starfish Heckhounds A Dark Sprite Spiders A Ninja pig A collosus Unicorns Dragons A Power dragon A slamander A shenglong Dragon a Goat monk. and an Inferno beast I personally like them all except for the piggles,unicorns, and dragons because they are so common (I got them when I was a low level and didnt have any pets)
i like all types of cats especialy my firecat leo and my helephant bruno the most also just because one pet is so common doesnt mean you can say hey that pets not cool its too common just treat your pets the same way as you did with the rest
Alright, I know a lot of people have tons of different opinions than me, but who seriously doesn't like the HYDRA?! They are absolutely BEAST (literally and metaphorically, LOL )! I know MOST of you have different opinions, please tell me.
Ian Crowrider Master Sorcerer Current Questing Zone: The Grand Chasm/Ravenscar
Dugan Dragoncaller Adept Theurgist Current Questing Zone: Hall of Champions/Savarstaad Pass
rascal my pet rock -_- hey its cool in a way and now he got a buddy i named sir ben that is a trolling stone rascal and sir ben are being trained right now but its hard training a pet that is a rock in a dance game cause they dont have feet so yea they just hop around while dancing well cya and these rocks are quite the funny pets
My starfish is my favorite. I got him long ago through my other wizard( which my bro plays) and he has all awesome talents, a may cast, and a card. We have been thru so much together, I am keeping him forever. He's so cute