hi i am trying to get the fire element polymorph and it is not letting me because i have to get the life polymorph first and i am a life wizard can you fix this i hate it
hi i am trying to get the fire element polymorph and it is not letting me because i have to get the life polymorph first and i am a life wizard can you fix this i hate it
i have every polymorph and by far if ya want to skip training a life polymorph but want fire polymorph here is a tip
go to portico and get storm kitty which then opens up dracon morph so ya still have a fire morph and another high powered morph known as kitty dracon is better then elemental anyway
hi i am trying to get the fire element polymorph and it is not letting me because i have to get the life polymorph first and i am a life wizard can you fix this i hate it
Unfortunately this is a problem with all spells - you must spend/waste training points on the ones that lead up to the one you actually want - cramming your spell book with unwanted spells to sort though. I had the same issue with getting Colossus, I had to buy all the Sun spells up to that costing me 5 training points for the one spell I wanted, the only save was I didn't have to buy the arrow ones too. Although I can see this for your school spells I am really not a fan of it for out of school spells since it just packs my deck with more unused spells. I think it should be set up on your level rather then how many training points you can waste on spells.