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Seriously... Where is Malistaire from?

Jun 11, 2009
The origin of Malistaire is such mystery. I for one believe that he is from an unmentioned world, Wizard City, or Dragonspyre.

I often have the concept that he is or once was part of a hereditary monarchy. Say he's descended of king Mene and would be the ruler of Dragonspyre had it not been destroyed; which is what he meant by "...So that she might rule at my side." Meaning that according to plan, the Great Dragon Titan was also going to restore Dragonspyre and thus, it's monarchy. As opposed to him genuinely wanting to rule the spiral.

The dragons on his coat look eerily like something (supporters?) off a coat-of-arms... Familial significance?

The last time I tried to say that, the topic "teacher's worlds" was removed. If this post is removed, that must mean that I'm right about Malistaire and kingsisle doesn't want anybody finding out; which will lead to personal satisfaction in that I have something for my fanfiction... I was wrong, it's still there... It would still be cool if I was randomly right, though :D

If I'm wrong, could someone please enlighten me?

Mar 13, 2011
Nov 18, 2011
i think wizard city but im not sure malistare might be from a unknowen world

Nov 26, 2011
Aug 14, 2011
I am 99% sure Malistare was from Wizard City and is the headmasters brother. Hope this helps

Aug 10, 2011
Wizard City, im pretty sure. But it would be cool if he was from Darknessland LOL!

Feb 12, 2012
you know its weird in celestia the floating masks in the survey camp look eerily like his head from the front maybe his ancestors where the only survivors of celestia but they adapted into wizard city magic and thats why hes death and cyrus is myth

Nov 18, 2011
Randomperson16 wrote:
Wizard City, im pretty sure. But it would be cool if he was from Darknessland LOL!
lol i think u gotten the storyline wrong . malistare was evil because his girlfreind syliva died o.o and he wanted her alive again

Jan 28, 2010
Oh my gosh! Now thats something to really think about. You know what would be really awesome. Is if KI made a world where we would be able to find these things out. Unravel the mystery our selfs. It could be a time travel world. We could be able to help fight the titans and dragons. We could learn even more about wizard city and the cration of it by becoming ledgeons in time ourselfs! We would be able to meet a younger profesor ambors. Ofcorse he wouldnt be a prof. yet. There could even be a new spell learned we would learn it from the original creator of the elements them self. I think that this would be so much fun! What do you guys think? :D

Jun 11, 2010
Probably some unmentioned world, but he probably moved to Wizard City to learn wizardry as many people do. So he could be native to an unmentioned world, but lived in Wizard City for most of his life.

Jun 24, 2010
yea he mite b from an unmentioned world and moved to WC just like diego and that dog guy 8)

Aug 10, 2011
colas857 wrote:
Randomperson16 wrote:
Wizard City, im pretty sure. But it would be cool if he was from Darknessland LOL!
lol i think u gotten the storyline wrong . malistare was evil because his girlfreind syliva died o.o and he wanted her alive again

I know... i was Joking.... :?

Nov 18, 2011
norr4687 wrote:
Oh my gosh! Now thats something to really think about. You know what would be really awesome. Is if KI made a world where we would be able to find these things out. Unravel the mystery our selfs. It could be a time travel world. We could be able to help fight the titans and dragons. We could learn even more about wizard city and the cration of it by becoming ledgeons in time ourselfs! We would be able to meet a younger profesor ambors. Ofcorse he wouldnt be a prof. yet. There could even be a new spell learned we would learn it from the original creator of the elements them self. I think that this would be so much fun! What do you guys think? :D
:O that sounds awsome

Jan 24, 2010
alyshaya wrote:
The origin of Malistaire is such mystery. I for one believe that he is from an unmentioned world, Wizard City, or Dragonspyre.

I often have the concept that he is or once was part of a hereditary monarchy. Say he's descended of king Mene and would be the ruler of Dragonspyre had it not been destroyed; which is what he meant by "...So that she might rule at my side." Meaning that according to plan, the Great Dragon Titan was also going to restore Dragonspyre and thus, it's monarchy. As opposed to him genuinely wanting to rule the spiral.

I think you are onto something Alyshaya. Malistaire and Cyrus DRAKE have similar accents and attitudes to the other NPC's in Dragonspyre. They dress in a similar style with the high collars and highly tailored tunics, and they seem to know an awful lot about dragon lore. I'm betting that Malistaire and Cyrus are Dragonspyrians.

Thanks for the imaginative spark today,


Oct 26, 2010
He was the death teacher while his wife Sylvia was the Life teacher before Moolinda Wu was. So yes I think he was from WC.

Jan 23, 2011
pizzia5 wrote:
I am 99% sure Malistare was from Wizard City and is the headmasters brother. Hope this helps

Malistaire is not the headmaster's brother, he is the myth teacher's brother. Cyrus Drake, Malistaire Drake.

Dec 03, 2010
pizzia5 wrote:
I am 99% sure Malistare was from Wizard City and is the headmasters brother. Hope this helps

He couldn't be the Headmasters brother for two reasons.
a. Merle is from Avalon not Wizard City or anywhere else.
b. Notice the difference, Malistaire DRAKE and Merle AMBROSE
Thats the reasons why that's not true :3

Dec 03, 2010
Bbot58 wrote:
yea he mite b from an unmentioned world and moved to WC just like diego and that dog guy 8)

Just so you know, (I'm trying to be helpful here) The dog is from Marleybone and Diego the Duelmaster is from Valencia, a world mentioned in Pirate101.

May 15, 2010
Just don't wonder about it. He used to be a professor. I don't see many people asking where they are from.

Oct 23, 2011
colas857 wrote:
Randomperson16 wrote:
Wizard City, im pretty sure. But it would be cool if he was from Darknessland LOL!
lol i think u gotten the storyline wrong . malistare was evil because his girlfreind syliva died o.o and he wanted her alive again
Uh, dude, Sylvia was his wife, not his girlfriend.

Mar 28, 2009
pizzia5 wrote:
I am 99% sure Malistare was from Wizard City and is the headmasters brother. Hope this helps
He is not his brother!!!!!!! O: he is cyrus drake's brother -.-

Jun 14, 2009
He's probably from Avalon like the Headmaster.But he got interested in Death and Dragons...aah...Dragons... 8)

May 31, 2011
scotttttttttt wrote:
pizzia5 wrote:
I am 99% sure Malistare was from Wizard City and is the headmasters brother. Hope this helps
He is not his brother!!!!!!! O: he is cyrus drake's brother -.-

you are correct cyrus is malistare's twin brother

Feb 26, 2012
jameson143 wrote:
Just don't wonder about it. He used to be a professor. I don't see many people asking where they are from.

Ok so people actually do ask about some proffesers they dont asl about the others because they know where they are from like moolinda wu is mooshu but people ask where falmea is from, i think its the fire elf village in avalon, also asking where Halston Balestrom is from and lydia greyrose too there are questions from where, and i believe cyrus and malistaire are from Dragonspyre, i think if i remember corectly cyrus said something about them growing up in dragonspyre, anyway they are not from wizardcity you cant be born in wizard city or at least no one has been yet.

Apr 11, 2012
Malistaire is from Wizard City..... He was the former Death Teacher.