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Very Upset Parent

Jun 18, 2009
willow i agree with but in all honesty wizard101's chat options are extremely limited compared to a game called runescape's your allowed to cuss and everything i quit and came to wizard101 although the gameplay it great the should be a built in bot that blocks users from saying as to be the a word

Jul 05, 2009
I know how everyone feels, I play a male character ( because I am male) and I get women characters all the time asking me to go out with them... This is really getting irritating... I mean I am an adult who plays this who has a husband and I have to delete people off my friendlist because the few people who i thought appreciated the company, only turned around to act so childish.

I know this game is meant for ages 10+ but in honesty some of these teenagers are taking it a bit too far. I feel that if it persists I am just going to solo until I can find a group of other adults who I can enjoy my time with... I am usually hanging around the first server that the game puts me on... I would like to have other adults on my friend list to play with but its very hard to know who is.

So I sympathize with everyone and want a solution to this issue as well

May 16, 2009
Im a kid also and i cant stand people who swear for no reson. Its just not write.

Jeffrey Lifethorn lv.36conjur

Dec 11, 2008
i am 14 and i for one dont like the swearing at all so i do my best to ignore them (with the actual option) and report them but complaining doesnt do any good its just irritating if you are a upset parent with a little kid that is reading this horrible language then you should take action to help your child report, ignore , or change realms if the problem continues because the people at KI are doing all they can to stop those players who like to ruin everyone's fun.

May 30, 2009
I have text chat, so I can hear most of the things peole say. It's good to talk more freely and more specifically. But hearing people asking each other out, people finding ways to swear, and people who just like teasing everyone, this is annoying and makes me feel like I'm playingsome rted M game. I agree with Very Upset Parent that they should take out some words, or most of them. Playing Wiz101 is like being part of a TV Drama.

My name is Gabriel Deathcaster, say hi to me if you see me in the game

May 15, 2009
WillowDawn wrote:
My family is on a Text Chat, and so my Kids can see all being said. I don't feel I need to restrict them
because there are those that choose to violate the rules.
Parents that don't want our kids around that type of filthy language!

You contradicted yourself. KI did provide a mechanism for you to keep your child away from that type of language, but you opted to not use it.

KI's implementation is the most effective way as it is proactive rather than reactive, which is what you are suggesting.

crazyqeen321 wrote:


MissNat wrote:
I think the word "marry" needs to be removed from the text chat.
I reported numerous people a few nights back because they were running around Ravenwood asking people to marry them.
I've been tempted to turn off my text chat because I'm tired of listening to these obnoxious little kids that are wanting to date someone via an online computer came.

Albeit, annoying, but that's not against the policy; you've abused the report function and taken time away from actual policy violations. This is what the ignore function is for. You can't expect KI to hire a staff to 'deal' with people we think are annoying.

Nov 25, 2008
Point blank you cant control other people, period. You can report all you want but they will never be able to catch every single person, they will lose their money that way!

You need to parent your kid and if you are doing it right they will just get away from all the hype that's going on and you won't have to worry about the "influence". Cursing is everywhere you can't protect your youngins forever.

Dec 15, 2008
LariceCat wrote:
I agree, BUT i sort of dissagree. I am a kid, so that clears things up.
Only a couple of kids "curse" on W101, and those who do use subs for words. W101 would be a lot duller with words like bench, fun, sit, and witch removed. A person who used those words innapropriatly should be reported and converted to dull dull dull menu chat.
By the way, you can't report someone in a battle or pvp, and in a pvp match, you usually can't find a person afterwards, and pvps are where most cursing occurs.

Scarlet Ironflame, Death
Pet= Krok

Attempted Javascript Attack With COLOR
me to I just tornd off text chat

Sep 05, 2008
May 31, 2008
Just want to say a quick comment:

I touch type, so occasionally i say what i am thinking and this envitably leads to me accidentally saying something that might be deemed offensive.

For instance, say 'weird' would be a bad thing to say, i might say that because its what i am actually thinking, although after i say it, i realize that i shouldn't have said it.

i don't look at the letters i type so i occasionally also press the wrong one and then press 'Enter'.

So its also annoying for me, I once said something which i really shouldn't have said, only because it was what i was saying to someone right next to me near the PC, now that was embarresing. Luckily i was on group chat so only my friends heard. :P


Mar 22, 2009
koolkid12 wrote:
Uhh, Kids cant help the fact they can't use Filthy Language, It's they're nature.

Wrong, they can help it. As I am one in my teens I don't use foul language of befriend those who do. It happens to be their choice to use the language just as aduults have free will, we do to.

Jun 19, 2009
Shadowtribal wrote:
susume wrote:
I always ask players to stop when I see cursing or abusive speech in the game, and I report them if they continue. Some stop or go elsewhere as soon as they realize an adult is watching them, which encourages me to continue calling out bad behavior. I hope others reading this will also remind players using bad language that they are being watched (not only by adults but also by younger kids) and report them if they continue.

Some of the specific words people have been using recently to sound like bad words have now been removed and can't be said any more. People may think of new ways to sound like bad words, but it does show that the KI staff are looking at the chat logs, and listening to the emails complaining about language, and making changes based on that information.

I think that text chat should be completely open. But that the chat logs should be moderated by Moderators in-game and offline. Like In Club Penguin, a game me and brothers enjoy, they have mods in game and off.They ban anyone who uses a bad word, for a day to forever. Even though their chat is already limited.

But seriously, think about it. These are games. Never were games intended for adults. Now an Online game is not only about the playing together but about the social. I play with my brothers and friends, and we cant even tell each other a simple sentence without three dots in the middle of it.
I cant spell Im, because you guys think it means Instant message, you have to think of this game for what it is... for the youth... parents can try to control it but you guys never will. Kids are forever trying to be defiant and a parent's influence over their little release of daily stress, being this game or any other game, just makes them mad.

I am 15 , I play this game without cursing.
But i do have a problem with parents including my own, trying to control every little thing that is related to me.
If your child's 5 and knows curses... i think you should be pointing the finger at yourself.

You do know that the first games ever made or played were NOT for kids right?

You do point out a good point that if the kids curse the parents are partially to blame but not solely. They hear things from other kids and other sources and we have the same fun time as KI in getting them to stop.

It is all about respect and they will not respect others until they get some respect for themselves.

Jul 16, 2009
If your Child is in school and over the age of 8 then they are exposed to vast amounts of cursing. I hear it in and around my neighborhood all the time. Kids 8 and up using filthy vulgar language every other word.
Not all Kids are good! Parents need to teach and police their kids out in the real world if they want to stop the problem.

Jan 07, 2009
First things first, I am a kid, to clear things up, and don't swear in-game. Luckily my 6-year-old brother can't read a whole lot yet (just common words like the subject of this thread) and can barely put together sentences. None of my family needs him saying that jank.

A good idea if someone asks you to be his/her 'boy'/'girl' is to just, well, if you can't/don't want to port out, is to tell him/her you're a wrinkly old grandpa/ma. (Might sound confusing with all the /'s so take as much time as you need working it out. XD) It's worked for me numerous times- I get about 10 people asking me to go out with them a month! (And my character isn't even pretty. Also, some GIRLS have even asked me out, but I don't blame them for that. My character looks like a boy XD)


-I Report them and then click Ignore.

Doesn't matter if they're my friend or just some random person!

The other best thing to do is take action until KI does. These options have ups and downs but will help you somehow.

The first thing you can do is use Menu Chat. Simple, huh? You can't hear ANY players that don't use it, and your kids can't swear themselves. But the BAD thing this is, is that you're limited to some words. Also you can't hear anyone around you, if you're stepping on a puzzle and trying to figure things out, someone might try to stop you but can't. That's bad. Plus, you can't report bad players, which is bad because KI needs your help to catch these people, too!

Second, you can use Text Chat which is the best, believe it or not, thing you can do. You can report and ignore these players (when you report them, be sure you include the combinations so KI can ban the word.) and still have a free chat. I highly recommend this mode, but if you have a child under the age of 13 I highly recommend Text Chat, as well.

Hope I helped :D

Jan 07, 2009
Avadon wrote:
Shadowtribal wrote:
susume wrote:
I always ask players to stop when I see cursing or abusive speech in the game, and I report them if they continue. Some stop or go elsewhere as soon as they realize an adult is watching them, which encourages me to continue calling out bad behavior. I hope others reading this will also remind players using bad language that they are being watched (not only by adults but also by younger kids) and report them if they continue.

Some of the specific words people have been using recently to sound like bad words have now been removed and can't be said any more. People may think of new ways to sound like bad words, but it does show that the KI staff are looking at the chat logs, and listening to the emails complaining about language, and making changes based on that information.

I think that text chat should be completely open. But that the chat logs should be moderated by Moderators in-game and offline. Like In Club Penguin, a game me and brothers enjoy, they have mods in game and off.They ban anyone who uses a bad word, for a day to forever. Even though their chat is already limited.

But seriously, think about it. These are games. Never were games intended for adults. Now an Online game is not only about the playing together but about the social. I play with my brothers and friends, and we cant even tell each other a simple sentence without three dots in the middle of it.
I cant spell Im, because you guys think it means Instant message, you have to think of this game for what it is... for the youth... parents can try to control it but you guys never will. Kids are forever trying to be defiant and a parent's influence over their little release of daily stress, being this game or any other game, just makes them mad.

I am 15 , I play this game without cursing.
But i do have a problem with parents including my own, trying to control every little thing that is related to me.
If your child's 5 and knows curses... i think you should be pointing the finger at yourself.

You do know that the first games ever made or played were NOT for kids right?

You do point out a good point that if the kids curse the parents are partially to blame but not solely. They hear things from other kids and other sources and we have the same fun time as KI in getting them to stop.

It is all about respect and they will not respect others until they get some respect for themselves.

You're so right! Before Club Penguin, there was another website called Penguin Chat meant for adults, you could swear on it, do WHATEVER.

Jun 23, 2009
I guess the only way to fix this for me is to remove everyone from my friends list. This has happen to me a whole lot since they found out I'm a grandma who plays the game.

I'll just delete everyone and start over.

Jun 07, 2009
I definitely agree to everything you are saying. Kids curse so many times on wizard101. I have had my so-called 'friends' call me a bench. Also, I am very sick and tired of people running around Ravenwood saying, "anyone want a girl/guy?" I am almost to the point where I will turn off my text chat. I am 12 years old, and my parents are very responsible for me, but they trust me very much and dont check any private things unless they have a reason too, and that has never happened and hopefully never will. So if your kid is cursing and swearing and being innappropriate, that is the parents fault for not limiting them.

Alura Darkthorn
LvL 33 Death Student

Jul 25, 2009
I'm sorry but what kind of water are all of you guys drinking? I've played this game for a week now and have yet to discover a way to curse or say anything vulgar or profane. As for "pipe down!" a Disney Channel family show called That's So Raven has a teacher saying that same comment. Granted, he's a teacher however, if Disney had any incling of it sounding vulgor or profane they would not have allowed it in the script. Personally I think that theres too much moderation. I end up saying a sentece that would have come out more adult like but had to modify it and made me talk like a 2 yr old and I'm 30! I like this game just not the heavy moderation of the words that are comming out! I would like to see a list of what you guys call "cursing,vulger,or profane" because I've played alot of other online games and have tried everything word combos and the like and only found 2 she it ( say the words together) and crack. Crack I'll agree doesn't need to be allowed but she it can be used mostly in a good way not sure if kids picked up on that or not but nothing else I tried worked to say profanities and I didn't say them out loud by the way I erased them but was trying to figure out how these words could be said after veiwing your posts and frankly all I can come up with is that you guys aren't parents but little kids yourselves or the words you think you hear as bad aren't bad at all! Or you have a really dirty mind! Personally I have yet to see anyone in game that would be a little bad except for the kids that beg for stuff all the time if they are even kids! Now as for kids venting about thier parents let them! If they don't get to vent then it builds up inside and then it's a ticking time bomb! And if a kid needs to vent about thier parents don't blame the kids obviosly it's the parents that are the cause of the kids wanting to vent in the first place. Now I don't know if you know what I mean by building a time bomb but it's a phsycological thing if you don't understand then go ask a phsyciatrist. The reason I blame parents for making kids want to vent is just this. My kids love me and their dad, they never get mad at us enough to have to vent! Granted they get frusterated sometimes when we want them to do somthing when they are busy doing something else, but thats kids for you! Obviosly some of these kids have a hard time with their parents and relating to their parents in a calm environment. Or those kids were brought up to swear "still confused about these so called swear words!" and don't know any better or was told by thier parents that if someone was to correct them to tell them to bug off or somthing. You see it all comes back to the parents and not the kids themselvs. If you were a good parent you would know this allready!

Jun 23, 2009
Kids are very "inventive". They will say sheet for s*%&. They have clever ways of using legal sound alike words. I know. Happened to me many times. I'm an adult and started playing in order to help my best friend's grandson level up. I'm now a level 35 and have been invited to join several "gangs" on the website. Apparently it's playing for power. I've talked to some of these kids and they apparently really "live the game". They think somehow that this is like real life. Makes one wonder where are those parents and what are they doing?

Dec 18, 2008
I understand what you mean but its a unwinnable battle people are always going to find a way around it its like godzilla and mothim. mothim will never win either will KI they will always find away. so i mean patching up stuff my stop it for a while but it wont stop it forever.

Jun 30, 2009
Let me start off here by saying that I am almost 13.
This appalls me. I personally have seen little to no sign of this, but I don't doubt that this is true. Kids can be vulgar and rude, but I've found that ignoring them works best. All they are looking for is a reaction, and if adults pop up everywhere reporting them and admonishing them for their behavior, they will be immensely satisfied, nevermind that they won't be able to play. The ignore tactic works on my NINE YEAR OLD BROTHER, so it should work on these dumb teenagers who act like five year olds.
If they are using disgusting language, the bottom line is that they should have their priveliges taken away. My parents take away my game priveliges if I misbehave, so they should have their text chat priveliges taken away similarly. Its as simple as that.
Also, instead of cursing, I say things like 'nuggets' or 'crud'. It's just my outlet. So instead of taking away everything that isn't in the dictionary, just disallow certain lists of words. And if kids get inventive, use tactic #1: IGNORE THEM!