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Storm decreasing.

Apr 27, 2011
Fist of all was Sirens really needed? I really hate that Storm got one of the weakest spell and yet everyone else got really good damage spells.

Myth seems to have acquire Storm damage doing 5,000 damage with Basilisk.

First initial hit doing about 2,000 damage and 1,000 damage per 3 turns. Not even Storm can do that amount of damage.

So much for Storm specialty of "damage".

I don't really understand if other schools have become way more powerful than Storm, then why hasn't there been any improvements to our school?

A+ Student
Dec 11, 2010
ArmoredRaptor wrote:
Fist of all was Sirens really needed? I really hate that Storm got one of the weakest spell and yet everyone else got really good damage spells.

Myth seems to have acquire Storm damage doing 5,000 damage with Basilisk.

First initial hit doing about 2,000 damage and 1,000 damage per 3 turns. Not even Storm can do that amount of damage.

So much for Storm specialty of "damage".

I don't really understand if other schools have become way more powerful than Storm, then why hasn't there been any improvements to our school?

any wizard should know there school has the power to be a high hitting school
but storms we got the greatest attack spells without enchantments added
lets look at
basilisk level 68 myth spell
sirens level 68 storm spell
note these are without boosts in order for comparition
sirens 880 does more with multi targets
basilisk 325 then 825 for over 3 rounds for a total of 1150
now take this into a multi enemy fight with each enemy having 880 health left and no resist to myth or storm

battle with multi enemies
now for this battle 2 wizards are soloing ( note the battle is same for both but they dont have the other in the fight with them and they each have 9 pips and there level 68 spell in hand )

the storm will be able to finish them all off with unboosted siren
however the myth will have to use basalisk 4 times if they dont have there aoe spells in there deck or discarded/used them already
thus if ya do the math to finish every enemy off they would need a grand total of
thats more then twice the amount of pips ya can have at max

as ya can see the storm got a huge discount for that kill

now add the fact storm has many blades and even a spell that makes a storm trap on all enemies and even a really powerful blade

this makes storm sirens tougher then basilisk

now look at it towards another power school's aoe spell
storm vs fire


siren ya know 880 to all
rof 300 to all then 800 over 3 rounds
not only does siren have a secondary effect but
the fire will have to wait for max damage

thus siren is very tough and great for multi enemy fights and even 2v2 3v3 and 4v4
true levy does more when facing one target 1030 damage and removes 2 positive charms on enemy just like one of sirens second effects
but siren also lowers the next spells hit rate for all with a minus 50% smoke screen
and reduces threat
siren= power hit to all
levy = power hit to one
now ya see that us storm wizards got a great spell and that it makes us the best in the power ability when facing multi enemies
besides its like a better tempest for a set ammount of pips
10 pips tempest for 880
9 pips siren for 880 and has secondary effects
both hits all enemies

storm is the best power wise and i cant wait till i get mine to trancended to learn this great spell

Sep 08, 2008
I am not quite sure that there is an imbalance.

Sirens is an attack all card, of course resulting in lower damage output than just straight up single target damage. Take Leviathan, with boost %'age alone, it will do nearly 2000 damage. Add a blades, add the field spell, and even a feint, and it will easily do as much damage as a Basilisk would. In a SINGLE turn. Basilisk requires 4 full turns to reach full damage output.

In the meantime, during those 4 turns, having saved up an extra power pip (due to Leviathan's cheaper cost) the Storm wizard can Kraken the next turn for an additional, and easy, 1,000 extra damage. I believe Sirens is ok.

Mar 18, 2009
Basilisk does not do that much damage, unless you blade or trap (which you can do with Sirens to go above 5,000 as well). Also, you are comparing a single target spell with a multi target spell. Multi target spells always do less damage than their single target counterparts. It would be appropriate to compare Basilisk to Leviathan, not Sirens. Finally, you completely discounted the other effects that Sirens does to all enemies, compared to Basilisk's one stun, to one enemy.

Just like a page out of Death's spell book.........it's not always about how much damage you inflict upon your opponent, but rather what you are doing to them (or yourself) while you are damaging them.

Jun 08, 2009
I find Storm is just as strong as ever. I love my Sirens, but my all time favorite attack is Colossal Triton!

Jul 30, 2010
ArmoredRaptor wrote:
Fist of all was Sirens really needed? I really hate that Storm got one of the weakest spell and yet everyone else got really good damage spells.

Myth seems to have acquire Storm damage doing 5,000 damage with Basilisk.

First initial hit doing about 2,000 damage and 1,000 damage per 3 turns. Not even Storm can do that amount of damage.

So much for Storm specialty of "damage".

I don't really understand if other schools have become way more powerful than Storm, then why hasn't there been any improvements to our school?
i have also noticed that the one reson sirens damage was decreased was because of its side effects one of wich put 2 -50% accuracy things on an opponent, yet it only adds 1 -50% thingy. in my opinion they damage should be raised back to normal 910 to make up for it.

Jan 03, 2011
ArmoredRaptor wrote:
Fist of all was Sirens really needed? I really hate that Storm got one of the weakest spell and yet everyone else got really good damage spells.

Myth seems to have acquire Storm damage doing 5,000 damage with Basilisk.

First initial hit doing about 2,000 damage and 1,000 damage per 3 turns. Not even Storm can do that amount of damage.

So much for Storm specialty of "damage".

I don't really understand if other schools have become way more powerful than Storm, then why hasn't there been any improvements to our school?

Are you perhaps comparing the damage output of a well bladed basilisk and a plain sirens? If so, of course there's going to be a major difference...

I think you (and a lot of storms apparently) forget that sirens is a multi-target spell, therefore it is not supposed to hit as much as a single target. Except for rain of fire, there is no AoE spell as powerful as sirens. and the only reason rain of fire has a higher damage is because it's a DoT spell with no effects to boot. I really hope you weren't expecting sirens to do as much as or, heavens forbid, more damage than levy.

I mainly play a myth and i would have loved to have an Aoe attack that does 700 damage maximum instead of basilisk (Heck i have only used that spell 5 times and that right after i got it, just to try it out).

Sirens is fine the way it is. I mainly play a myth in mirror lake fights and when i play with a good storm (i think a lot of the people who complain about that spell don't even know how to use it properly) all i have to do really is dispel the myth lion and remove the elephant's shield in the second fight. sirens usually finishes the bosses in one hit when used properly. from what i have observed, only storms can do that be it with storm lord, sirens or tempest. So yea i really fail to see how "storm is decreasing"

Dec 25, 2011
KI did it so all schools would be the same storm always had the advantage of be the highest hitting school and ice had the disadvantages from being the weakest school KI just made other ppl from other schools to be happy that their spells are strong. I know because I'm a death and I hate having a weak school and then Dr. Vons Monster comes out and now I'm so happy!

Jul 25, 2010
Sirens would of been better if no one would complain, it has gotten nerfed because of complaints.

Aug 15, 2009
ArmoredRaptor wrote:
Fist of all was Sirens really needed? I really hate that Storm got one of the weakest spell and yet everyone else got really good damage spells.

Myth seems to have acquire Storm damage doing 5,000 damage with Basilisk.

First initial hit doing about 2,000 damage and 1,000 damage per 3 turns. Not even Storm can do that amount of damage.

So much for Storm specialty of "damage".

I don't really understand if other schools have become way more powerful than Storm, then why hasn't there been any improvements to our school?

Yes other schools have increase on damage, health and obtain higher damage spells. Since others School obtain higher damage spells, to balanced it Storm should had increase on Health.

But we Storm wizards haven't seen any Improvements within our health.

Apr 10, 2010
nagashiki wrote:
ArmoredRaptor wrote:
Fist of all was Sirens really needed? I really hate that Storm got one of the weakest spell and yet everyone else got really good damage spells.

Myth seems to have acquire Storm damage doing 5,000 damage with Basilisk.

First initial hit doing about 2,000 damage and 1,000 damage per 3 turns. Not even Storm can do that amount of damage.

So much for Storm specialty of "damage".

I don't really understand if other schools have become way more powerful than Storm, then why hasn't there been any improvements to our school?

Are you perhaps comparing the damage output of a well bladed basilisk and a plain sirens? If so, of course there's going to be a major difference...

I think you (and a lot of storms apparently) forget that sirens is a multi-target spell, therefore it is not supposed to hit as much as a single target. Except for rain of fire, there is no AoE spell as powerful as sirens. and the only reason rain of fire has a higher damage is because it's a DoT spell with no effects to boot. I really hope you weren't expecting sirens to do as much as or, heavens forbid, more damage than levy.

I mainly play a myth and i would have loved to have an Aoe attack that does 700 damage maximum instead of basilisk (Heck i have only used that spell 5 times and that right after i got it, just to try it out).

Sirens is fine the way it is. I mainly play a myth in mirror lake fights and when i play with a good storm (i think a lot of the people who complain about that spell don't even know how to use it properly) all i have to do really is dispel the myth lion and remove the elephant's shield in the second fight. sirens usually finishes the bosses in one hit when used properly. from what i have observed, only storms can do that be it with storm lord, sirens or tempest. So yea i really fail to see how "storm is decreasing"

i agree. i've been ecited to try and get to it ever since i learned about it and that want for so much power really made me go up few worlds

Mar 10, 2012