I have been in many battles, with many different level monsters, and I have discovered that the greatest monster is not the most powerful, nor the one with the most health points.
It is your deck.
Think about the times you were defeated. Was it because the monster was that much more powerful than you? Sometimes. Usually not. Was it because he had a lot more health than you did? Almost never.
So why were you defeated? Because your deck did not give you the cards you needed at the time you needed them. Either you were stuck using or throwing away 0 pip cards with nothing to attack with, or you are saddled with high pip attack cards and nothing to heal yourself with.
This is where treasure cards come in handy. Don't have a heal when you need one? Pack your treasure deck with low pip heals. Then you simply toss a card, draw a heal, and voila. Find yourself constantly without something to attack with? Pack it with low pip attacks.
Treasure cards can be very valuable in overcoming the capricious nature of your deck.