Hello today i am kelly race a guy name talon my sea dragon i am captain 785 try to become a commander. Match me up with 2 warlord racers. So wizard Why race in Warlords. This is not bace off lvl Bace off rank. Need fix the Pet Races or put a board up like we have pvp. This is no way fare there rank is 955. So why make match 785-955 Captain v Warlords. This why quit pvp people dont fix any thing right. I think need take out pet race out game not going match up fare. Why should i wast my time in play game dont treat us fare that we pay for. Mr. Grayrose please respont thanks.
Hello today i am kelly race a guy name talon my sea dragon i am captain 785 try to become a commander. Match me up with 2 warlord racers. So wizard Why race in Warlords. This is not bace off lvl Bace off rank. Need fix the Pet Races or put a board up like we have pvp. This is no way fare there rank is 955. So why make match 785-955 Captain v Warlords. This why quit pvp people dont fix any thing right. I think need take out pet race out game not going match up fare. Why should i wast my time in play game dont treat us fare that we pay for. Mr. Grayrose please respont thanks.
Kelly Nighteyes lvl 5
there arent that many others around closer to your pet pvp lvl. few people do pet pvp anymore so the differences in skill increase.
So what your say in is i can ever lvl up because i have race warlord thats is so lame i see why people shy away from pet derby. Then they should not make match if not fair play so i have to suffer why they rank up because i am lower lvl. Dont for get this game is about fair play. Now play this game for a year and find out this game is not about fair play its about wizard be in money hungery thats it. Captain v warlord ok thats really fair. Maybe should take derby out game if you cant make matches right not my fault people dont play. People might play more if offerd more tickets i just here for the badge. Maybe i take my money go play different mmo game. Thanks K I you lose another long time player.