Just a new school I thought of and some of it's spells. Somebody might have already made a school called Chaos, but I'm posting this all the same. In case some of you are thinking, where does this school belong? The answer is it's the opposite of Balance. And if some of you are thinking that Chaos is Death, it's not. Look it up. AND if some of you are thinking: shouldn't there be a circle for Chaos, Balance and another school? Well, Chaos shadows above EVERY school! So, it's like, behind every school in the school diagram. The symbol of Chaos is like the balance symbol, but one scale is higher then the other. Spells: (all have 80% accuracy)
Earth-born 1 pip 95-130 Chaos damage Damage
Chaosblade 0 pips -15% to next damage spell to one enemy and +15% to next damage spell to self Charm
Hurricane 2 pips 180-220 Chaos Damage Damage
Plague Oni 3 pips 250-350 Chaos Damage Damage
Comet Strike 4 pips Remove 1 positive charm from all enemies and 330 Chaos Damage to all enemies Damage
Meowiarity 5 pips 470-520 Chaos damage and stun all enemies Damage
The Watcher 6 pips 500 health to self, 300 Chaos damage to enemy Damage
Unbroken Hands 2 pips +30% to next damage spell (at self) and 150 damage to one enemy Damage
Just a new school I thought of and some of it's spells. Somebody might have already made a school called Chaos, but I'm posting this all the same. In case some of you are thinking, where does this school belong? The answer is it's the opposite of Balance. And if some of you are thinking that Chaos is Death, it's not. Look it up. AND if some of you are thinking: shouldn't there be a circle for Chaos, Balance and another school? Well, Chaos shadows above EVERY school! So, it's like, behind every school in the school diagram. The symbol of Chaos is like the balance symbol, but one scale is higher then the other. Spells: (all have 80% accuracy)
Earth-born 1 pip 95-130 Chaos damage Damage
Chaosblade 0 pips -15% to next damage spell to one enemy and +15% to next damage spell to self Charm
Hurricane 2 pips 180-220 Chaos Damage Damage
Plague Oni 3 pips 250-350 Chaos Damage Damage
Comet Strike 4 pips Remove 1 positive charm from all enemies and 330 Chaos Damage to all enemies Damage
Meowiarity 5 pips 470-520 Chaos damage and stun all enemies Damage
The Watcher 6 pips 500 health to self, 300 Chaos damage to enemy Damage
Unbroken Hands 2 pips +30% to next damage spell (at self) and 150 damage to one enemy Damage
Apocalypse 8 pips 700 Chaos damage to all enemies Damage
Resurrection X pips (activated automatically) When defeated, restore health to 20 health per pip Health
Elysium X pips 70 Chaos damage per pip to all enemies and 50 health to self Damage
The Big Bang 9 pips 850-950 Chaos damage Damage
Supervolcano 5 pips 900 or 300 Chaos damage to enemy
Thor 10 pips 300, 700, or 1500 Chaos damage to all enemies
Enjoy! Quinn Silverhand, Legendary Sorcerer
Idk about some of these, but the resurrection sounds like a useful little spell to use in a pinch. As long as it's one use per battle, or it could be abused.
There's already a Chaos school. It's the Pigswick version of the Myth school. Plus, your proposal of the Chaos school seems more like a school of miscellaneous attacks and utility spells that can fit into one of the already existing schools than a legit new school.
No. So many reasons. 1. Where would it fit? No where. Balance is all of the schools, so Chaos is none of the schools? A school can't be not a school... 2. The purpose of balance is that it has no opposite 3. chaos blade- sounds like a weakness (balance spell, how are these opposite) combined with a tiny blade 4. hurricane- hmmmm.... way too similar to a balance spell. sandstorm. I know it's different. And a hurricane would be storm. 5. Earth-born sounds like its supposed to be life 6. Already have an oni spell in- wait for it- balance! 7. comet strike- copies meteor strike 8. meowiarty- nope. Already have a crazy cat in a spell and besides hes myth school. 9. Watcher- Not sure what this is supposed to look like... 10. Unbroken eh would be good for balance school. 11. Nexus- sounds good for balance. again. Plus it would take an awkwardly long time... 12. Apocalypse I'm just picturing a power nova-earthquake. 13. Ressurection- When you come back we will kill you easily. And you lose all blades. But it might work-for life. 14. Elysium No, not working. 15. Big Bang- no, sounds like power nova 16. Rain of fire much? 17. Ok one Thor was god of thunder, it would work only for storm if heres number two- a big dude waving around a hammer--sound familiar? 18. None of these are original 19. The school has nothing you know- defining about it 20. Myth is chaos 21. The spells make it sound like a combination of all the school's "things" like dot for fire, healing for life, blah blah blah 22. No new spells, I want new spells 23. It sounds like a combination af all the schools, exactly what balance is 24. If there is an opposite of balance, then balance won't be the combo of all schools, which is the idea. 25. Did I mention it being behind everything wouldn't work? What if I told you there was a new primary color, looked nothing like blue yellow or red, and is not included in the mix of coors which is black? What?
I actually have a journal filled with ideas all about the school of Chaos. I'ts great that two minds think alike. I hate to take away from anything you have created as this is your thread. But I will maybe post my ideas some day in a new thread for all to see, if a lot of us post threads about a Chaos school maybe KI will see it?
Basically, I see Chaos as a school of the Universe, sort of like Celestia. A magic so dangerous and wild, that it corrupted ancient Wizards; turning them into Witches and Warlocks, servants of Madness and Destruction. Typically, Chaos has the potential to be stronger than even Storm, which is why it is so dangerous. Chaos however has a catch to it's power....
Sort of my back story adding on to yours---too bad it's a cliff hanger!
No. 1. Many of the spells sound like they belong in myth, fire, and storm (such as meowiarty (who is a myth boss), comet strike, and hurricane. 2. The opposite of balance is imbalance which can be argued there are already six existing versions of the opposite school of balance. 3. The opposite of chaos is order (look it up)! 4. This is a Wysterian school of magic based off of Myth magic. 5. Unless we put in place a whole new system of wizards, adding one single school of magic would completely overturn the balance of the game (as was seen with hero classes in WoW) and it would take months for balance issues to be sorted out. 6. Also, don't space your message so far apart, it makes it a chore to read.