I have seen several locked topics about scrap iron. I have seen the suggestions and requests and demands etc etc etc.
I log in to play a game and have fun. This includes the pets, gardening and crafting. I see the suggestions to log in at 'off' hours on the game. Unfortunately, I have a Real Life on this side of the monitor and it is literally impossible to log in at 'off' or 'slow' hours. I only get four hours of sleep per night as it is.
I am also dealing with the frustrations of the scrap iron and I am sure there will be many more frustrations if what I have read is anything to go by. They are challenges at first but then it becomes frustrating.
Again, I log in to have fun. Nothing more. Nothing less. I have no suggestions or demands to make.
As you appear to be overly busy, direct crafting may not be a path for you to take at the moment. Since you play primarily for fun, keep doing that and collect as you come across it or if you come by it in the bazaar-see if friends are willing to sell at specific time for you to get some-or transmute. Otherwise the result will be further frustraiton and burn out. Good luck.
However I do take exception to the "Real Life" comment, as it appears to pressume that others aren't/haven't been in similar situation as you currently find yourself. Again best of luck.