I wanted to know if there is any official pet hatching guide, like a list of what i will get. I am currently using a guide off of wizard101 central, but it seems to be failing me
I just got my helephant (level 48 fire pet) and i have had a couple expiriences with hatching.
What Happened ................................................ What should have happened
Helephant + Ice collosus = helephant....................................Ice oni Helephant + Hydra = helephant............................................. Plauge oni Helephant + Stormzilla = helephant.................................Malestrom Oni Helephant + Ghost hound = ghost hound............................ helephant
I am happy with my ghost hound, but where did that come from. i want to get hybrids, but instead i just have an army of helephants :( Help
There is no guarantee you will get a hybrid from hatching two different Level 48 school pets. You can get one, but it's a random, not regular, occurrence. Many people have had your experience, and ended up with the same pet repeatedly. I think (not sure on this) that level 58 school pets are guaranteed to give hybrids, however.