I just got a utility dragon and i am wondering what kind of snacks should i feed it.Many people said me to feed the snacks of the pet's school. But that doesn't work as i fed my orthrus and humongofrog ambro's cereals(which it loved) but i got 2 myth accuracy from orthrus and 2 attack from Humongo.I wonder what would be good for the dragon.And i get mega snacks only when my magma peas go elder and waterworks doesn't give much of them
feed it snacks with the highest total of points that you gain in its stats. feed it stuff from the back back too, but this is only if you do not care about derby, because, the points will be all strange.
the utility dragon loves: glowing dragonfruit french fries drumstick if they don't work, I agree with scotttttttttt and hela3. school foods. (scottttttttttt, was that enough t's?)