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So very very wrong. Maybe.

Mar 18, 2009
My husband went to fight Frostbranch yesterday. (He solo's often.) While on the sigil 2 people jumped on with him. No big deal. More help, awesome. Through the whole battle, he tried talking to them, friending them and went so far as to beg them to let him add them. He was completely ignored. My husband was in the Sun spot, kept the battle going for them, and even healed them a time or 2. So what did they do when his health got really low, and subsequently died?? Absolutely nothing. He waited 5 rounds after dying and they still hadn't said anything to him (again, he was practically begging them to help him, or friend him so he could port back).

So to the 2 people who took advantage of someone who needed help...
Thank you so much for lowering my expectations of people even more.
I don't know your full names, but I do know that one of you is a Fire Grand and your name is Luis , and the other is a Balance Legend and your name is Elizabeth.

Btw.....Last night, after the whole dying thing, he tried again.
Beat Frostbranch! Solo! And Leveled up again to boot! Go Hubby!

Apr 10, 2010

I'm glad your husband managed to beat Frostbranch. He's a hard opponent to beat for anyone.

As for the two who basically ignored your husband, I feel for him. I've had a few (just a few) incidents like that where others jump into my fight and beg for a healing and refuse to return the favor. Its irritating, to put it lightly. There are self-centered and that's about all I'll say on that matter.

I have seen some text to another wizard and not notice that the other is a menu only chat character. That may have been the case. But in a fight with the likes of Frostbranch (which usually, for me, is a long drawn out affair) he probably would have noticed they were non-texters.

Aug 26, 2008
If they were being mean and not healing him, why bother wasting pips healing them anyways, especially if you can do it solo. That was wrong of them to do that though.

Jun 14, 2010
Feb 09, 2009
Wow...that's just ridiculous. I've run into a few callous players like that. It's not a fun experience. At the risk of sounding like a hypocrite, I wish people would stop acting like this game is single player and like everyone's only responsible for themselves.

Jun 23, 2010
I am terribly sorry that happened to your husband.

A thought on the lack of talking-I have my chat bubbles turned off. (They make me lag something awful in a busy realm so I just leave them off.) If I forget to open my chat box or it closes and I don't notice, I don't realize people are talking to me. I am not trying to be rude! Sometimes I just don't notice right away. When I do I apologize!

Sometimes even on my Life I just don't have any heals in hand. My Deck construction if I am soloing doesn't have many heals. But, I tell the person I don't have a heal in hand and will dig for one. Communication is a grand thing.

I am amazed at how rude some people can be or seem to be. I am tickled when I meet a nice person who says hi and actually talks to me in game. I am noticing this seems to be getting rarer these days. When I first started playing it seemed like people were friendlier than now.


Apr 11, 2010
I've been through that in celestia. I was almost finished, two people joined, I helped a lot but get defeated, other players tell this one guy to heal me. He doesn't do it and I end up striking out when enemies are defeated.

Congrats to your hubby haha. Solo seems to do him well.

May 22, 2009
Yes, it was rude of the others to do that. Usually, I will always at least say hello when in a battle with a non-friend.

There also could have been other factors at work. The others could have had their chat bubbles off and chat window closed. My sister used to do that all the time and would never answer unless she remembered to open her chat window. That nearly drove me crazy.

They could have also been grouped and didn't realize their chat could not be seen by your husband.

Another thing, there are non-english speaking people playing this game. Those people may have been one of those.

Hannah Lifebringer level 60 Life

Apr 12, 2011
well they might not have had text chat or open chat so if he said anything in text or open chat they wouldn't see it and maybe they couldn't heal

Mar 11, 2010
Sigh... little kids these days don't know how to help people. That's what you call using someone. Congrats for him for soloing Frostbranch. I did the same thing not too long ago.

Jul 25, 2010
If they are muted players i understand why they wont respond to you, though am not sure why they would do nothing

May 13, 2011
jekbeau wrote:
Sigh... little kids these days don't know how to help people. That's what you call using someone. Congrats for him for soloing Frostbranch. I did the same thing not too long ago.

dont think you know better. stop blaming kids for when someone are being selfish

Mar 18, 2009
marolin23 wrote:
jekbeau wrote:
Sigh... little kids these days don't know how to help people. That's what you call using someone. Congrats for him for soloing Frostbranch. I did the same thing not too long ago.

dont think you know better. stop blaming kids for when someone are being selfish

They might have been kids..

and being selfish?

Excuse me?

Did you not read the whole post?

My hubby was MORE than generous.

THEY jumped in on him, and when he DIED (after healing THEM) they couldn't even be bothered to heal him.

The whole point was that these 2 people took advantage of another player.

And as far as I know, one or both of these people has commented here. It does no good to argue. I just wanted to enlighten others.

This is not the first time nor will it be the last. It's very sad to admit, but I think this is becoming the norm.

Mar 24, 2011
dragonpfyre219 wrote:
My husband went to fight Frostbranch yesterday. (He solo's often.) While on the sigil 2 people jumped on with him. No big deal. More help, awesome. Through the whole battle, he tried talking to them, friending them and went so far as to beg them to let him add them. He was completely ignored. My husband was in the Sun spot, kept the battle going for them, and even healed them a time or 2. So what did they do when his health got really low, and subsequently died?? Absolutely nothing. He waited 5 rounds after dying and they still hadn't said anything to him (again, he was practically begging them to help him, or friend him so he could port back).

So to the 2 people who took advantage of someone who needed help...
Thank you so much for lowering my expectations of people even more.
I don't know your full names, but I do know that one of you is a Fire Grand and your name is Luis , and the other is a Balance Legend and your name is Elizabeth.

Btw.....Last night, after the whole dying thing, he tried again.
Beat Frostbranch! Solo! And Leveled up again to boot! Go Hubby!

ok i am not one of those people and i can agree but maybe his list was full or they were mutes. so they didnt see his words. See wht i mean? well i hope it wont happen again :) sry for the bad behavior.

Cameron NightCaster lvl 60 :)

Feb 12, 2011
May 13, 2011
dragonpfyre219 wrote:
marolin23 wrote:
jekbeau wrote:
Sigh... little kids these days don't know how to help people. That's what you call using someone. Congrats for him for soloing Frostbranch. I did the same thing not too long ago.

dont think you know better. stop blaming kids for when someone are being selfish

They might have been kids..

and being selfish?

Excuse me?

Did you not read the whole post?

My hubby was MORE than generous.

THEY jumped in on him, and when he DIED (after healing THEM) they couldn't even be bothered to heal him.

The whole point was that these 2 people took advantage of another player.

And as far as I know, one or both of these people has commented here. It does no good to argue. I just wanted to enlighten others.

This is not the first time nor will it be the last. It's very sad to admit, but I think this is becoming the norm.

i did read the whole post, but way earlier, i kept seeing people mentioning "stupid kids", "selfish kids", it just went me on my nerves. we all were kids. when he made this post, thats the point i wanted to jump in

Mar 28, 2009
Did they have no text chat or open chat? So glad you call your husband hubby :-o :-o :-o

May 20, 2010
I can't jump on the bandwagon here. I'm going to take the opposite side of this.

To the opening poster: you painted a very one-sided picture of things, and your reply to somebody who suggested alternatives was rude.

I'm going to draw another scenario for you; one that's the opposite of yours:

An 11 year old girl (Elizabeth, the balance wizard) and her father (Luis, the Fire wizard) are sitting side by side at a table with two computers on it. Luis's rule is that his kids can't use chat except with their real-life friends or anybody that he approves of Because of this, his kids have chat bubbles turned off, and they have the chat window closed when they aren't with somebody they know. They're also not allowed to accept friend requests from people they don't know in real life unless they get his approval.

The two of them are standing at the sigil when your husband steps onto it.

Elizabeth: Megan just texted me (i.e. on Yahoo) that she has to eat and can't join us.

Luis: Okay. Let's help this wizard with Frostbranch.

Elizabeth: Ok!

They hop on the sigil. During the fight, your husband keeps bugging them to be friends and trying to talk to them. Elizabeth can't see any of it since chat bubbles are off and her chat window is closed (after all, there's no reason to have it open to talk to her dad, who's sitting there next to her). Luis decides that it isn't a good idea to allow Elizabeth to allow the friend request, so he says no.

The fight goes on, and your husband runs out of health and is defeated.

ROUND 1/5:

Elizabeth: Oh no! Can you heal him?

Luis: No, I don't have any healing cards in the side board. Do you have any in your deck?

Elizabeth: I have two Availing Hands in the deck but they aren't here.

Elizabeth strips her deck down to make it more likely to draw an Availing Hands, then casts a Bladestorm for her and her father.

ROUND 2/5:

The new cards don't include the healing spell. Meanwhile, your husband is pestering both of them to friend him.

Elizabeth: Can I be his friend so he can port out and come back in?

Luis: No. Rules are rules. I will if you don't get an Availing Hands card next turn.

Elizabeth again strips her deck down to one card, a Balance Blade, and she casts that on Luis, who continues to add his own buffs for the pending Helephant.

ROUND 3/5:

When the cards fill the deck, there's no Availing Hands. Meanwhile, your husband continues to impatiently beg-annoy them to friend him.

Elizabeth: Ahhh. Where is that stupid card?

Luis: Be patient. We'll wait one more turn.

Elizabeth puts Balance Blade on herself and again strips the deck of everything except Judgement and Pixie. Luis finishes buffing for his Helephant. Frostbranch hasn't been sitting there idle, and he now unleashes an attack that hits Elizabeth for major damage. Luis is still at full health. At this point your husband, not knowing what's happening on the other end, now gets persistent about them helping him, begging to be healed or friended. Luis is annoyed by this, but he realizes what it must look like from your husband's point of view, and he doesn't say anything to him or to his daughter.


Unfortunately, there's no Availing Hands in the next batch of Elizabeth's cards.

Elizabeth (near tears): Where is my spell at? I wanna heal him!

Luis: Use a Pixie on yourself.

Elizabeth: Aren't you going to attack Frostbranch?

Luis: No, because Helephant will finish him off, and the other wizard won't get anything. We'll wait another turn.

Elizabeth strips her deck except for Judgement and casts Pixie on herself, while Luis passes.

ROUND 5/5:

There's still no Availing Hands card.

Elizabeth (sobbing): ARRRRGH! I can't believe this!

Luis: Well, we can't wait any longer. Frostbranch is getting too many pips.

Elizabeth: We're not going to heal him?

Luis: If we wait too long, Frostbranch is going to be too strong. If I had Crowns, I'd hire a Life Henchman, but I didn't buy them. We gave it a shot.

Luis: Me, too, but there's no sense in all of us getting defeated, and if we wait another turn, Frostbranch might take us all out.

Elizabeth casts Judgement and Luis casts Helephant. Frostbranch is defeated, but your husband heads back to the commons area.

Elizabeth (sniffling): I still wish I could have helped.

Luis: You tried. Sometimes there's nothing you can do. You did your best to help him.


What really happened was probably somewhere in between your scene and mine. The point is that nobody really knows, except perhaps the two wizards. They might have had chat turned off, they might not have spoken English, they might have been small children, they might have been real-life friends who kept chat turned off and talked to each other on the phone or by IM, they may have been muted by KingsIsle as punishment, they might not have had any healing spells that helped others (not all Balance wizards stock Helping/Availing Hands), or any number of other reasons. It's possible that they were indeed being mean. It's also possible that they got tired of your husbands constant annoying/begging and decided not to help them. Without knowing for a fact, there's no way to tell, and assuming that they were being rude/mean isn't allowing for the full spectrum of possibilities.

There was a spot open. If your husband had Crowns, he could have hired a level 60 Life wizard, and it's very likely that he would have gotten a major heal before the five rounds passed.

Apologies if this offends you or anybody else, but without the complete picture, it's hard to know what actually happened. If either of them had said: "No, we're going to let you die" or otherwise shown clearly that they were going to be mean/rude----even as much as a "Haha!"---, this would be a completely different matter, but the opening post stated that they said nothing whatsoever. Because nothing was said, I'd be willing to wager that what really happened was closer to my scenario than that of the opening poster.

Jun 23, 2010
dragonpfyre219 wrote:

They might have been kids..

and being selfish?

Excuse me?

Did you not read the whole post?

My hubby was MORE than generous.

THEY jumped in on him, and when he DIED (after healing THEM) they couldn't even be bothered to heal him.

The whole point was that these 2 people took advantage of another player.

And as far as I know, one or both of these people has commented here. It does no good to argue. I just wanted to enlighten others.

This is not the first time nor will it be the last. It's very sad to admit, but I think this is becoming the norm.

Yes they may have been kids. I have met many adult players who are unskilled too.

You assume they choose not to heal him. As I said, depending on which of my Wizards I am on, my Deck setup and the way my Spells appear, I may or may have a heal that works on others. I do communicate that info though. It may not have they did not have anything to heal him with. They should have in my opinion talked to him.

I also offered up and explanation of why they may not have talked from my wizards chat settings. Another poster mentioned muted players. When a Text Chat player is muted you would not know. It is my understanding the symbol is still there but, they can only use Menu Chat to talk. I don't know whether they can still read Text Chat or not. I also observe a good number of Text and Open Chat people talking to Menu Chat people. They don't realize the other person is Menu Chat. All Menu Chat people see is "..." when spoken to by a text based chat.

Your husband was indeed a kind. He is my kind of a player, looking out for his battle mates. Bravo! We need to lead by example.

When people jump in with me (when I want to go in alone) I exit the Sigil and change realms. I also exit the instance. Most times that is an easily solved problem. It doesn't work on new content. I wait to do content until the hubbub has died down.

Don't know why you think the guilty parties posted??!! I saw people offer explanations of what may have taken place based on their experiences. I highly doubt the guilty parties saw your post and responded.

You are correct it will happen again. When one plays an MMORPG one will deal with a large segment of society.

I am glad he beat his guy.


Mar 18, 2009
scotttttttttt wrote:
Did they have no text chat or open chat? So glad you call your husband hubby :-o :-o :-o

Talker, non talker, mute, closed chat box.. doesn't matter when you see someone defeated right next to you and do nothing.

May 03, 2011
Elizabeth (sniffling): I still wish I could have helped.

Luis: You tried. Sometimes there's nothing you can do. You did your best to help him.

Colagada: I had to jump in and give you (sincere) kudos for your creative writing in this little scenario. And for your refusal to be a misanthrope--online games can make most of us angry at "kids today" or "people these days" on a regular basis. One criticism (as a writer and reader)--why didn't Luis type something? I understand his protective instincts as a father, I guess, but if Elizabeth can't see what is typed on-screen (did I understand this correctly?) then what's to prevent Luis from (at least) communicating with hubby-in-question and either a) explaining the situation, or b) friending the guy at least long enough to help him through the battle? As a reader, I don't find myself sympathizing with Luis, who is setting a bad example for Elizabeth by his own refusal to help another player in need. It would have cost him little, and not affected her at all.

Nice story, though. Stay tuned for the future adventures of Luis and Elizabeth, father/daughter wizarding team... :D


May 20, 2010
tabby714 wrote:
\but if Elizabeth can't see what is typed on-screen (did I understand this correctly?) then what's to prevent Luis from (at least) communicating with hubby-in-question and either a) explaining the situation, or b) friending the guy at least long enough to help him through the battle?

The scenario was drawn up on the fly and edited twice, and a few lines didn't make it to the final version. I suppose that there could be reasons, such as:

1) Luis figured that Elizabeth would get an Availing Hands in five draws, then deciding at round 4 or 5 that it was too late to do anything useful, since it would take the other player a while to friend, teleport out, heal, and get back to battle, and in the meantime, Frostbranch kept attacking the two of them.

2) Luis got tired of the constant badgering, and simply ignored the chat window, or he possibly closed it not wanting his daughter to see what was happening. He may have guessed that if he started typing, his daughter (who was sitting next to him) would look over, read the chat screen, and see the pestering, and he didn't want her to see that.

Had it been me with one of my young relatives, I probably would have hired a level 60 Life Henchman, and if that wasn't an option, I would have friended the guy as soon as he was defeated and let him head back. My setting was just a scenario, not a perfect way to handle it.

Oct 24, 2010
dragonpfyre219 wrote:
scotttttttttt wrote:
Did they have no text chat or open chat? So glad you call your husband hubby :-o :-o :-o

Talker, non talker, mute, closed chat box.. doesn't matter when you see someone defeated right next to you and do nothing.

You do realize that not everyone has spells that can heal others, right? You get a pixie for free. Everyone can heal themselves.

If their chat bubbles were off and they have no healing spells, what are they supposed to do?

Sep 03, 2008
I think that there are plenty of reasons why they did not respond such as chat off, too young to know, don't speak english, too young to read or spell. But still there is a very good chance that they just don't care and want to just get throug it no matter who they hurt. As for me I usually play solo because I just don't have time to wait for people, although there are very few people who go the extra mile and really try to make fiends. If you are one of these people thank you very much. :D

Dec 21, 2008